Copy "text" field contents into "Choice" field?
Hi all. (Real newbie question) Searched, found two answers which I don't understand, so here goes: I already have a database, populated with records. I'd like to take the contents of a "Text" field…
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Global Search Column Customisability
Does anybody know whether it is possible to customise the columns which show when you perform a global search? It seems bizarre if this has not yet been implemented,…
Formula ID count also deleted records
Good morning everyone, I have a formula field with ID in it. This shows me the record number. My problem is that I have noticed that this formula also counts me the record ID's that have been deleted.…
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displaying map/location in iframe in Ninox.
Is there a sample DB that has an iframe that shows Google Maps of a location field in Ninox? If not can anyone help with a solution? In other words once a location is found a formula field displays…
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Laptop vs iPad
Hi, I have a database with code. When I perform a certain action (processing and saving) it takes about 4 seconds on my laptop and less than a second on my iPad.…
Ninext : Important information
This message is addressed to all those who use the Ninext project. I regret to announce that the Ninext project will be unusable on Ninox very soon. This should happen at the beginning of February.…
User Roles/Security
I am working through my database setting up roles etc. Doing the basics first and I have created a user/member (me under different credentials) as Editor only.…
ARGGHHHH! New 3.8 Cloud version
Cannot get into "Trigger Before Open" - anyone else have that issue. Left the Ninext script in and now the "Trigger Before Open" will not open to allow me to delete it.
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Unlink composition records
Would love if there was a way to unlink composition records without deleting the entire thing or changing the table to not be a composition just to unlink.
Go to a specific record
Hi! I have 4 tables: TAB1 with the respective sub-table TAB4 TAB2 with the respective sub-table TAB3 Through the links I start from the N record in TAB1,…
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Renaming part of title attachment
I need to assign the rename function to the button "Manuell Nr zuweisen". By clicking on it, an alert field should come out in which you are asked to enter the number you want with a blank field to…
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Dynamic Multiple and Choice fields help
I need to set up a commission check list system for equipment and it seems to me the best way to do this is with Dynamic type choice fields. To give an example:…
Those pesky hidden fields....
So for folks who hide fields that are only for designers, admin...those yes/no, lock fields and that sort of thing that you need to get to but cannot recall where on the form they are or need to get…
How to merge columns together while merging unique cells & offsetting same cells
Hello Ninox community, I'm new to Ninox, a crm that I honestly never heard of before until half a month ago. I've primarily worked on salesforceDC and homebrew crms, so any help is appreciated.…
Sub-Tables - Add existing record
Has something changed with the new version (3.7.6) with regards to sub-tables? When a table has a sub-table linked to it there are now two buttons on the sub-table to "Add existing record" and…
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Normalising existing data
I've imported a spreadsheet to a table and now want to normalise it. In SQL I would have done a 'select distinct' on a given field to generate the list of values,…
Conditional Formatting at a stretch using a Filter
Sometimes I miss the filter funnel in the header which throws me when I know there are more records than I see. Especially if the column being filtered is off to the right out of sight so to speak.…
Creating a Button That Goes to Table with only Linked Records
I have been searching endlessly and can't find the correct formula. I want to create a button that when you click on it, it will display the child table but only the linked records to that specific…
syntax problems
Hi everybody, I'm hoping that the power of the community could help me out, I've found myself stuck and cannot find the solution to a problem. First some background information:…
Production: should storage tanks share a table or each have their own?
I need some advice regarding the basic logical layout/relationships of my database. I'm tracking production and inventory in a distillery. I have a table for distillations,…
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Understanding file attachment strategies
I have a few use cases that involve managing inventory items - like my photography and RV equipment. I want to link a variable number of pdf/photos/other (e.g.…
How to select a row from a composition table to display in a superform
I am new to Ninox and am struggling a little with programmatically searching records - the equivalent of SQL-world Select statements) . I have many years of relational database experience in…
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Design Table for WBS
Hi One consultan, I have a Database with some tables, ones of them are correspond with the structure of the project WBS Work Breakdown Structure I have four level.…
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Convert table to subtable
I would like to turn a table (B) into a subtable of Table A. Table B provides reference to A already. Many thanks in advance.
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Transferring Filemaker relationship
Hi, I'm transferring some FileMaker Pro database to Ninox and I can't find how to recreate the relationship. In Filemaker, relationship are built out of existing field,…