Untermenü von Tabelle wie bei Kontakt - Tabelle mit Pull Down Menü
HI, wie kann man in anderen Tabellen auch diese Unermenüs wie bei „Kontakte“ erstellen? Ich habe die ganze obere Leiste bereits voll mit „neuen Ansichten“ und fände es eleganter als Pulll Down Menü.…
Does anyone have any strategies for release management from a development to test to production environments?
Supporting an envinpronment where there will be multiple non technical users and want to be able to make changes and test in one version of the db and then promote changes to production version.…
QR-Code für Zahlungen auf Rechnungen generieren - Generate QR-Code for Payment on Invoices
Hallo, gibt es eine Möglichkeit für Zahlungen QR-Codes auf Rechnungen automatisch generieren zu lassen? Ziel ist, dass der Kunde z.B. per Handy mit Banking App den erstellten QR-Code verwendet und…
Tabellen vergleichen ohne schleife ausfüren
Hallo zusamen, ich habe zwei Tabellen (Tab1 und Tab2 ) möchte ich die nuen Daten Sätze in Tab1, was nicht in Tab2 vorhanden wissem und die Daten sätze was ist in Tab2 vorhanden aber nicht ich Tab1…
The way Ninox displays images in a formula field is changed?
When I call an image from another table -> record(Settings,1).Imagefield) - they used to be small. Now they are bigger with the new release? Can somebody confirm this? Solutions? Thanks, Steven
Hallo, ich habe eine Tabelle mit den Spalten Rechnungsdatum und Kosten. Ich möchte jetzt ein berechnete Spalte die als Ergebnis immer die Summe des Monats anzeigt.…
How do I find out which JSON and regex commands and switches work...?
I have read the manual and I have combed the forum looking for information regarding how to impliment and use JSON and regex commands that for the life of me, I cannot get to work in Ninox.…
Sharing Single Items
We can share Views (HTML, xls, json, PDF, ...) and Documents (PDF) via script now. So logically Sharing a single item (without creating a view for the single item), would round up the sharing topic.
delete if
create a delete if, because some user may want to delete stuff from a table, but restricted due to a maybe a certain date has passed.
How to stop Ninox rewriting URLs in email message body
Hi Does anyone know if there is a way to stop Ninox rewriting URLs in the body of an email message sent through the sendEmail function? Whenever a URL that starts with http: or https:…
issue trying to get a table view to work in a non related table
'Job Dockets and 'Quotes' the many side to 'Customers' (the 1 side) in related tables However 'Job Dockets' and 'Quotes' are not directly related to each other However- I want to open a table view of…
Changing Owner's e-mail address
Can I change my owner's e-mail? I started working with NINOX with a personal e-mail, but after upgrading I need this address to be the professional one. Any suggestion? Thanks
Information is not displayed windows computer
There is a problem with displaying information on the windows computer. The table is displayed, but there is no information in it. Did someone have such a problem?…
Help with SELECT query needed!
Hello, guys!this task is too much for me, and i ask your help please!! I got 3 tables that are joined as 1:N as shown. Patients Visits Treatments As you can see, every patient can have various visits,…
Image format
What image format(s) are compatible with Ninox? I'm sure I read somewhere that Ninox can only work with jpegs. While I think it's pretty deplorable that a modern database can only handle a single…
Which Table
Is there any way to detect which Table is selected in the left hand column? There is the 'table()' function, but that's not actually the same thing. If you are e.g.…
How do you extract data from a text field? Regular expressions appear to be a mess in Ninox...
How do you extract data from a text field? Regular expressions appear to be a mess in Ninox... Specifically, I need to extract the text contained in the red box in the image below: Thanks, Marvin
Duration( Appointment ) = End( Appointment ) – Start( Appointment ) result in hours only ( hh:mm ) not days (dd:hh)
Hi there, i am using " Duration( Appointment ) = End( Appointment ) – Start( Appointment )" formula, and the result is displayed in days and hours. Isn`t there an option so i can display the result…
How do you multiple or divide two formulas in a formula?
How do you multiple or divide two formulas field in a formula? I keep getting error saying Invalid operator: boolean / number. Thanks for the help.
Whi does while loop not work
Hi, I have a simple loop but get always an void and no result in x let vnaam := ["a", "B", "C"];let x := "";for lst in vnaam do let x := x + item(vnaam, lst)+ ", "; voidend;…
Datensatznummerierung ändern
Ich habe ein Tabelle bzw. Datenbank von 36 Einträgen. Diesen Einträgen wird automatisch eine Nummer zugewiesen. Wird ein Eintrag gelöscht fehlt die Nummer.…
How to trigger a change in date?
Hello I posted a similar a few days ago that was unanswered so i'm posting a simplified version of it. I am trying to figure out the code to trigger a change in date by one year.…
Date Field Issue - 1 Team member's changes all show up as minus 1 day to the rest of the team
My team has 1 team member who is in a different timezone. We are in PST she is in CST (2 hours difference). If she changes a date in a date field the rest of the team sees it as the day before.…
Why is the date wrong?
I have a customer form and whenever the contact opts in/out out or leaves the company - It writes an entry into an 'GDPR audit' table However I have an issue with the date- for example - Both my mac…
How do I find the storage address of an image / copy image outside of Ninox ?
I have a “Photo” image field and I would like to be able to share it outside Ninox, either by exporting it or via API REST. When I do that, I just have the name of the image: “G1812/Jacques 3.jpeg ”.…