Choice Field Trigger
Hi to all! I have got this structure: MasterSearchTable - fields: Choice Dynamic MusicBrainz ID MBIDsTable - fields: MBID Description as you can see the Choice Dynamic field is correctly connected to…
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Has anyone wanted to hide the add new record button on the popup link?
simply add a formula with CSS and add the following .stringeditor-button2 {display: none;}
Matching Phone Area Codes to Region
So, for a lot of Data I receive, I don't have any location material besides one's phone area code. I know that the area code is not the most accurate in todays cell-phone age,…
join function to get an ordered output
Hi to all i have a formula: let data := text(response.result.relations); let bandData := parseJSON(data); let artists := ""; for i in bandData do let artistType := i.…
HTML formatting
Hi to all, with this formula: let AR := "Artists"; html("<h1 style='border: 0px solid darkslategray; padding: 11px; font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 10px; color: black; text-align: center; cursor:…
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A new way to comment out code in the console
With my friend Jan, we discovered a new way to add comments in the Ninox console. Simply add /* before and after the text you want to comment out : var a := {lastName : "tur"}; /* var a := {firstName:…
Custom Widgets (Release 1.0)
Dear Ninox Community! Many of you have asked how you can easily and cost-effectively use our Custom Widgets in your Ninox databases. The time has finally come
We have worked hard to find a…
Wrap a text in a Rich Formula field
Hi to all! this formula : let tracklist := response.result.tracklist; let tracklistInfo := ""; for track in tracklist do let position := track.position; let title := track.…
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Response in JSON Format alternately functioning
Ok. I finally achieved my goal to get informations from a site and used to fill my fields in Ninox for Example The formula request for the formula field called Artist name: let xDiscogsRelease :…
Extract Record from a Table meeting some criteria
Hi to all, i have a table called Album, with a relationship with another Table Called Release (1:N) Each album could have 0, 1, or multiple Releases i am trying to extract in a formula field the name…
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Dynamic Reports - my first attempt
Hi there, Here I was thinking it would be straight forward. I have a docx template and in Word I added {d.'PROJECT TITLE'} as a data field (it's spelt correctly, all UPPER).…
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Progress Stepper in HTML.
Ever wanted to create a step diagram to point users to the steps to follow in Ninox? Then this can be done with a choice field but a nicer representation is with HTML and some CSS.…
Automated Multiple Choice: Is it possible?
Is it possible to automate Multiple Choice field based on trigger/update from another fields – which is two or more fields. See situation below: Multiple Choice (MC):…
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Calculating hours from Appointment
I bet there's a better way of doing this: if text(duration(Appointment)) > "2:00" then "More than two hours" else if text(duration(Appointment)) > "1:00" then "Two hours" else if…
html() function
I uploaded a database named HTML Tricks. So far it only has one example, but I've got some other ideas I've been playing with. If you are interested in a blinking formula field you should give this…
How to pop up a dialog if a record in a table meets a criteria.
I have a table with three records each with a specific date in a field called next date. I am trying to use the trigger after open function to allow a dialog to pop up when the date in the next date…
attachments: Add from another table
I have a child table in which I have an email button. This is the script: sendEmail({ from: "alan@blah blah", to: EMAIL, cc: " ", bcc: userEmail(), subject: "A new Task has been added for:…
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Ninext not closing in spite of "True"
Just started happening in the last couple of tries. When I open a database the Ninext loads but the dialog which is set to close (true) does not. Anyone else have this happening? Cheers
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Display a maximum number of data
Hi! I use a formula field to display text data which is itself from another formula field which contacts data. I would like to find a solution to display only the last 5 lines and not all of them as…
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Sending emails - ChatGPT example
Can anyone confirm if this would indeed work in Ninox? I'm guessing not. do you have an example of code for sending emails using Ninox ChatGPT Certainly!…
Has anyone used What3Words in any way shape or form with Ninox.
How to style a numeric fields?
Good morning! I've had issues with the styled() function these days and after having read several articles in the forum: it seems that the stlyed() function converts the variable to text.…
JSON: add a block based on a given condition
Hello. I am creating an XML file and would like to start with a JSON because it offers greater readability and ease of maintenance. In the structure of the JSON how can I decide to add blocks…
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Those pesky"" when you don't want them.
Just noticed that if you want to comment something out and you type the first " - you get the second ". Well that I knew already which is annoying. On the off chance I selected the word/line first…
Delete a record and related records in other tables
I have a table named « Accounts » which is the main table where I add all my customers. From the Accounts table, I created a Yes/No field which has the mission of deleting the selected account…