How to Reverse Linking between 2 tables ?
Hi, Is it possible to change "Link to" to "Link from" between 2 tables? I happen to have 1 only contact record on a link to sub-menu, don't need more. Is it understandable? Looking forward,…
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Info delete Field
There are some way in Ninox to delete a info inside a field. I need to delete a range the info inside a field. For example I need to delete all Dates inside the Field Fechas.
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Changing the color of a formula field text on click of the field.
I have a formula field that gives me a date and I would like to change the color of the letters or the field to green on click. Is there way? Thank you!
Help with Scripting
Hi, I am trying to add logic to a function that I created that will flip the item status from listed to sold, donated, returned, etc. I would like to put in a safety piece that will prevent this…
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Message - Improvement
Heres a thing... As these days I work mainly from home - I have a reminder that if appropriate! sends and email to my team at the office when I log into Ninox.…
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Other formula problem
Hi again with another problem with formula. if Actividades.Disciplinas.Discilina = "Civil" then sum('Horas Ganadas Plan') = " Civil" end Don't give me anything
- Answered
Question new functions
Found some new functions in the .js files. Anyone knows what these functions do? createTempFile(string,string) and appendTempFile(string,string) or are these not yet implemented?
Syntax stupid question
Hi, for sure will be a stupid thing but I can't figure out where I'm wrong in the syntax of this formula. Can anyone help me please? Thanks
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Formula don't work
Hi I need to take a Date from one table and insert in other field in other tablet that is posible.? I try (select FechaCorte). DataDate O try (select FechaCorte.)' DataDate) but don't work. Thanks
- Answered
How to import data from text field to dynamic choice field
I am importing data from a CSV made from an older table. The old table had 'Patient Name' as a text field and the new table I am importing it into is a dynamic choice field.…
Update Email Address for Ninox
Hello, Is there a way I can update my email address in Ninox? It appears its a read-only field.
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Really Goods News !!
Calling all friends and regular contributors. There is no doubt this week has shown a huge leap forward for the new forum. However - for those of us who remember - Ninox's presence on this forum -…
if FechaR4 <= DataDate and FechaR4 != 0 then 'Hito 4' end I have a numeric field with that formula, that need take the info in Hito4 but don't work Some body help, aprecciate
- Answered
Why urlOf(This) doesn't lauch the App ?
Hi, Would it be nice if the urlOf(this) links used on a mobile device, on Google i.e., would lauch the Ninox App (if installed) instead of opening the browser interface ?…
Sticky Messages or Tags
I see the new posts can have a tag (not tried it yet) but I guess if a subject is really important, we can set a tag that can be searched in some other way other than a general search - so set this…
Well done NINOX Team and thank you! At long last we get a new forum - lets hope it all goes well and this is the end of all the spam crap that we were being bombarded with every week.!
Highlight attachment icon
Hi, i want to know if there is a way to highlight the clip icon of a record when an attachment is attached to it
Connect 2 Records from 2 Tables, based on 2 or More Parameters
I have 2 Tables, X and Y. Both tables have the data: SKU and Order Num. I want to create a button that will automatically link the records tables X and Y if the record has the same SKU and Order Num.…
Applying filters on a lookup table by choosen field
Hi! I have a problem applying filters on a lookup table. I have a customer table with a multiple-select Services field that allows me to understand which services customers have subscribed to.…
Table - trigger after update being ignored
My table trigger after update is being ignored? Anyone elase having this issue (web version) . script is simple enough and no errors if FirstName = " " and LastName = " " and GDPR = 3 then GDPR :…
How to rename file attachment programatically after import?
Hello! I am adding files manually as Attachments to record. Since "#" character does some issues in Integromat, I need to remove it from name, after file is uploaded.…
help !!!
help : na het inbrengen van één nieuw record is mijn hele database verdwenen, behalve dat nieuwe record. ik probeer via mijn Time Machine en/of iCloud de laatste versie terug te zetten,…
Show all records in another record that are related by an ID
I have a table of persons. Each person has a familyID. Persons in the same family get the same ID. When I open I record I'd like to see all members of their family listed.…
Filter based on multiple columns
Good day, Is it possible to filter a view based on different columns, e.g. we have columns 'Status', 'Country', 'Name', so I want to get the filtered table when (Status='Open' OR 'Closed' ) OR…
Formula somma ricambi di una installazione
I need to see the sum of the cost of the spare parts used for the new installation. I do not find the formula that relates the spare parts inserted for installation and therefore gives me the sum of…