Roles and rights

Organize access to your databases according to the needs of different user groups

In Ninox, you can define what actions (permissions) a user can perform within your Ninox application.

By default, Ninox provides two role types, each with specific permissions:

  • Admin
  • Editor

ℹ️ The Owner of a workspace always has Admin rights. When inviting other members, you assign permissions (which you can adjust at any time). Learn more about Collaborating on databases.

Standard Roles

Here is a basic comparison of the default settings for Admin and Editor:

Permissions (Overview) Admin Editor
Create, modify, delete records ✅ ✅
Create, modify, delete databases ✅ ⛔
Manage users ✅ ⛔

Creating Custom Roles

If needed, you can also create custom roles and assign them to users.

Levels of Permission Assignment

You can define or control access and editing rights at different levels:

  • At the database level under Security, as well as at
  • The table level, and even
  • The field level

We will take a closer look at these in the following sections...

