Mel Charles
Calculating a sell price in edit field without using a formula field
I m putting together a sub file for quote line items and looking at the ninox invoice template it basically a qty*price construct on a formula field to cal the sell price which is fine.…
Enter data directly into subform grid
Is it possible to enter data directy into the subform grid when it is sitting on the main form? If i have the grid not nested into the main form then i can do this as the table sits on the lft hand…
Sub File Line Deletion
Hi All Where the form is not set to compostion the table row delection is easy done by selecting the rows (so they are ticked) and using the delete row(s) option.…
Auto filling in of address fields
Hi all As new user i am just getting to grips with Ninox and getting on fine as already have found much vauable information from this forum. Hwoever i am a little lost regarding lookup information.…