Mel Charles
List of scripts used in Ninox
Where (if known) can i get a defined list of scipt commands etc that exists with Niniox?I have printed off all the release notes and the last manual and indeed scoured the forum.…
List of scripts used in Ninox
Where (if known) can i get a defined list of scipt commands etc that exists with Niniox?I have printed off all the release notes and the last manual and indeed scoured the forum.…
Drop Down Combo Choice Box - Load with value from another table
Does any one know if it is possible to have a combo choice box on main form and instead of manual prefixing the choice list - have the combo look up the choices dynamicly from another table ie I want…
return Vat % by using select
Okay- So I have the following: VatValue (Table name) VatRate (text Field) Vat% (number field) QuoteLines (Table name) QVatRate (choice field) QVat% (number Feld) QVatValue In the QuoteLines Table -…
Field Tab Stop
When tabbing through standard edit Fields on a form the focus goes through a set order left to right and down etc. I can probably see why you don't implement tab stop controls - However is it…
Trigger on create (not working?_
I have put the following onto the trigger on create on a form (cloud version!) Del_Company := JobDockets.Del_Company;Del_Address := JobDockets.Del_Address;OrderRef := JobDockets.…
scope of variables
Can someone please explain how/where one would setup variables for a database that are 'global' ? thanks
select do' coding issue
I would be very grateful for somebody's help with this little issue... I am trying to set a field's value (i.e. the 'Price' field) by using a set of statements from 'switch do' coding,…
Possible subform fault - reposted as original posts not posting body text
Issue: Lost sub form on data model? I have spent quite some time looking for a sub from that exists but no longer shows up in the data model and trying to understand why.…