Mel Charles
Filtered list in table view
How can I pick a few options in a filer list in a table view but also Include any records that have not yet been set in the same view! ie these records are still showing in the 'Empty' swim Lane in a…
Print Layout - child table line out of order
Print Layout Irritation! On my Order/Invoice print layout I have a child table. However the printed PDF is coming out not in the same entry order that it was keyed into the form.…
Get the id for all registered users on team
I have created an internal message table for all users of my team. Posting the each mail into a specific table view for each user and doing an auto table refresh at same time!…
Link imported data into child table to parent table (when table links have already been done)
Hmmm Imported over 10,000 records into a child table (Pcosts - The many side of relationship)This table was already linked to parent table (PMain - The one side of relaionship) before import.…
Duplicating a main form (without copying any subforms etc)
I want to duplicate a main form without any subforms from a button I can do and put - 'duplicate(this)' in the button script trouble is this copes the form completly including and sub forms and aslso…
Help with counting number of status line in subform
Can anyone give me some guidance on counting a status flag (choice field) - or suggest a better way forward! as currently just a bit stuck! Basically I have an Alert flag (formula) field on the main…