Mel Charles
England. UK
Joined: Sat Dec 14 17:00:37 UTC 2019
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Duplicate a record and killing related records etc.(oh and jumping to that new record)
Using Ninox“s build in duplicate a record is great but it does a complete clone of the original record... Which often is fine but... it does not re trigger say a sequence number field and of course…
Re: Hi I am new to Ninox and I think it's great. I have a problem though: how do I create a form where I can change the layout so it represents other fields in another layout than my other form layout. Any changes I make in form1 seem to be applied to form2 as well and if I want to remove a field from the view it seems to be deleted altogether. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The software i used a s reference above worked on tha basis that the table owing from (form1) all fields were “bound” to the table wheresas all files in (form 2) were not - you could add then or… -
Re: Hi I am new to Ninox and I think it's great. I have a problem though: how do I create a form where I can change the layout so it represents other fields in another layout than my other form layout. Any changes I make in form1 seem to be applied to form2 as well and if I want to remove a field from the view it seems to be deleted altogether. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
A form in Ninox is the “data owning form” of the underlying table. In Nixon there is only One. What Michiel is looking for is looking for is many forms over the same underlying table - Not possible… -
Re: Is it possible to link automatically (via a function) fields in two tables that contain the same text?
I wanted the luxury of doing this on custmer by customer basis so that i could see the records being linked before moving onto next customer so Button sits on main form “Customers” - ie the one in… -
Re: Is it possible to link automatically (via a function) fields in two tables that contain the same text?
Hi Sean Like otherd above I need to do this and have tried various examples from the above but am also getting the same field not found error. I’m using the cloud version and dearly would like to get…