Michael McKenna
Print all records in date range.
Hi, l would like to print all invoices in a date range. Is there a script for a button l can use? I'm sure this question has come up before but struggling to find anything on the forum.…
Help with a new connect view with dashboard button....
l recently added a connect view with dashboard to show all invoices in a date range. I was wondering if someone could help add to this formula so that l can add another button with the same formula…
How to remove a record
When you have added a record using the "add existing" and you realise you added the wrong record, how do you delete record without deleting the original. thank you Michael
Help with last Formula...
let xFrom := From;let xTo := To;let Cus := CUSTOMER;sum(Invoices['Date of Invoice' >= xFrom and 'Date of Invoice' <= xTo].Customer.133) This does not return the amount shown in the view of Total Shop…
Connected viewed records with a view - One Customer
I have copied a Connected view formula from Webinar 2021 112-Print view element in dashboard which is brilliant, thank you to the person who added that.…
Sum a customer sale in a view
I would like to sum all Sales for a customer in a view table shown in a formula field. l have let xBeg:= 'Beg Date' let xEnd:= 'End Date' sum((select Invoices) ['Date of Invoice'>= xBeg and 'Date of…
Help needed with invoicing
Hi, it's been a while since l have posted but have come across a problem l don't know how to rectify. l have an Invoice table linked to a Customer table,…
Date range and the Ninox Id..
Hi, I have been struggling with the date range and Invoive Id system I created for some time. I have sorted the Invoice system, thanks to Steven and I may have sorted my date field.…
Question about date fields ...
When placing a date field onto a form do you then have to format that 'date field' to the way you want to see it for every usage. ie, format(Date,"DD/MM/YYYY") Michael
Date format issue.
Hi , l have brought this query up before but not had a response. I have 3 team members under my data base, one of these team member dates are formatted to the American format ie,…