Connected viewed records with a view - One Customer

I have copied a Connected view formula from Webinar 2021 

112-Print view element in dashboard which is brilliant, thank you to the person who added that. 
l am interested to know if you can change or add into the formula so you can chose just one Customer. 
This question relates back to my last question which l have not been able to solve. 
I am trying to extract one customer invoice  from a list of customer invoice totals in a date range in a view, the view is then connected to a print view ie, 112-Print as above. 

hope to get an answer soon 



4 replies

    • Nick
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    I have a Invoice table connected with Invoices table.

    Let's say I want to see all the 2020 invoices for the current Customer.
    I create a formula field with the following code:


    sum(Invoice[year(Date) = "2020"].'Invoice Total')



    For the view, I created two Date fields -> Start Date and End Date. The code to get the results is:


    let t := this;

    let From := 'Start Date';

    let To := 'End Date';
    let c := Customer;
    select Invoice where Customer = c and Date >= t.From and Date <= t.To



    I hope it helps

    • Central Park Furnishings
    • Michael_McKenna
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Nick, this has helped and l am one step closer to my goal.  
    I now have a view called Shop_Sales_Report and with your formula it shows all shop sales. 👍

    so now l would like to do a connected viewed record with the "View Shop_Sales_Report" and looking for a formula to do that. 

    l have on the table -  Link to Customer, Report Date, Beg Date, End Date , Totals,(which is only showing total all invoices,  don't know how to isolate Customer) 

    'Payments (again all invoices) , Amount Oustanding (all Invoices) and a Field for Shop Sale Total, ( this field l would like to show the total of the Shop Sales within the Dayes selected) 

    my goal would be to be able to print the two views 

    All invoices and totals within date range and then just the Shop Sales within the same Date range  

    Do you think l need to put the Shop sales View and connected viewed records with view on a, seperate table. 
    Appreciate your help  



    • Nick
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Michael,

    I have modified the '112-Print view element in dashboard' file. Now you can select a customer for the view. Click the link below to get it.



    • Central Park Furnishings
    • Michael_McKenna
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Nick, thank you for your efforts l have copied your able to a "T" 

    The last things l need to finish this report are....

    l have 4 formula fields 

    Total , all Sales 

    Payments  , all Sales

    Owing  , all Sales 

    Shop Sales Only.  Total only

    l don't know how to get the figures from the view table. 
    oh, what does the show connected button do? I thought it might hide the invoices list but it does not 🤷🏼‍♂️
    thanks again for your help you have really been fantastic and l do appreciate it.



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