Michael McKenna
Formula to Round up to .5 or full number.
Looking for help with a formula to round up to half numbers. Example: if my value is “3.245”, I would like to round upto 3.5 or if its greater than the half , “3.650” then round up to full number, 4.…
Multiple equations in a formula Help.
Hi, I am not the sharpest tool in the shed and I am trying to get my head around multiple equations in one formula. example ( x+x+x)*2 “then” I would like to divide the result by (y) “then” round >up…
Another question about colouring a field.
I know l have seen on the forum bits of information about this topic but was wondering if someone could explain further. I would like to have a background colour with txt but not sure how or where…
Running out of YouTube videos to watch.
Are there any others channels other than Nioxus and Ninox on you tube. I am running out of content to watch.
Maybe the last question of the year, cough,cough.
Ok, so l,m now looking for a button script to add a record to linked customer. So let newRec :=(create Payment); newRec.(Payment.this id.......have no clue OpenRecord(newRec).…
A big shout out to RoSoft_Steven Rooryck
Hi Steven, a big thank you for all of your help. You are greatly appreciated and without people like you to answer questions l would be well and truly up the creek.…
Button Script needed to open Invoice and link a regular customer.
Hi, I am looking for a button script to add to my “Invoices” table that will create a new Invoice to a customer that is used on a daily basis. I have the script to open new record...…
Looking for reference material to help understand coding.
Hi , l am looking for some reference material to read so l can understand the syntax in this program. I have looked at the manual but would like more in-depth information.…
Print problem
Hi, l have a button script to PDF, when the record is displayed it has two pages, one with the information l want and the other a random , what looks to be a table.…
Payments solution. Help Needed.......
I have set up my own invoice table and am looking for a way to handle Payments. I have set up a Payments table with invoices linked, and have all the necessary feilds required to satify my needs ,…
List of statements and syntax
I am a total newcomer to coding and now deeply into the Ninox data base program. It has taken months of work to set up a data base because l can“t find the answers to some really basic coding scripts.…
Select script needed....
Hi, l am needing a script to select table, select record in table and then add details from that record Simple but cannot find anywhere. thank you.