Michael McKenna
Need help with this problem......Script to bring multiple record to onto one form.
I need to make an order form that brings all data together, It could be an add record to a form script in a button .I do not know how to bring multiple records of data from a table that has 12 feilds…
Bringing records together to print order when you have a lot of data
Hi, l am very new to scripting and Ninox so am in the hole that is.... l am trying to bring Rows of data from one table into an order to send to a supplier.…
Script to view current record ... help
Hi, l have a script in a button that takes all values and populates another table. At the end of the script l would like to view the new information in the new table but in the“ form ” view ,…
Script required
Hi, l am looking for a button script to take the completed form (x) to another table (Y) and show in form view rather than table view. I have been able to get the script to open with information in…
Simple question regarding search function.
I have a linked table from supplier list to a work sheet table. When l am in the work sheet table and click on the search supplier icon it takes me to my list of suppliers,…
I am looking for information on scripts relating to V Lookups and l cannot find any information anywhere. Do they exist in Ninox?
Looking for a script that will return a value within a range in a seperate table. I have a table with three columns, Width, Drop, and Price they each are incremental.…
Simple lookup script for returning a price on a table
Hi,l am very new to scripting and this program. l have a table with prices and measures for blinds, a simple x y chart with width of blind running across the top and drop running down the side,…