Date format issue.

Hi , l have brought this query up before but not had a response. I have 3 team members under my data base, one of these team member dates are formatted to the American format ie, month day year even though in the other three the format is day month year, which is what l want. Is there a preference system in each members account that might need adjusting. It is only happening on one computer. I have checked the inbuilt date system in the computer and it is set to day month and year. Very confusing. 
'any suggestions would be appreciated 


1 reply

    • Mel_Charles
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Michael

    I have never seen or had to set up date formats at a user level for my users.

    Just a thought is it worth trying getting one of the other users to log with that affected user name on a known good machine and see if the issue follows that user