Ninox Forum Database
It's not completely current, but I uploaded what I have to the Webinar EN 2020 team.
Import Teams member
I'm a teacher with a 45 user in ninox. Each semester I have to invite team members with there email. Can it be possible to import a list of my student in csv? It will be much easier.…
Application "Home Page"
Ninox currently displays a list of tables for a given group as its "home page". Some applications might benefit from having a custom home page which might be a static page with links,…
Customize Calendar Text
Items which appear in the calendar presently appear to use a default representation of the item for their text. It would be better to have the ability to customize this text.…
A new concat() function
It looks like the only practical purpose for the concat() function is to convert an array to a string. You can’t use it to combine strings without inserting a comma into the new string and if you…
Dynamic Height Support in Sub-table Views
In forms which incorporate embedded tables there is no way to dynamically (or even statically) changing the height of rows to enable text wrapping. This would be a nice enhancement.
Gantt Chart: Conditional Bar Colours
It would be useful to be able to change the bar colour in Gantt charts using a mechanism similar to conditional formatting. It would make highlighting "late" or "at risk" rows much easier for viewers…
What you see is what you get forms (WYSIWYG)
Our users want the option to fill-in WYSIWYG forms; in addition to responsive forms. Ninox is almost there. The Ninox print preview layout already supports the precise positioning of form elements on…
How To Convert a multiple choice field to a choice field.
Did you make a mistake in designing your database and used a multiple choice field when it was supposed to be a choice field? With this trick you can convert the multiple choice field to a choice…
Please fix the extract() function so flags will work
Flags simply do not work the way Frank suggests in this post... https://ninoxdb.de/en/forum/technische-hilfe-5ab8fe445fe2b42b7dd39ee8/regex-flags-5b87f00b37fc0c3278cdf4b4
Sync to notes in calendar?
I would like to sync something (idealy a table for example) to the notes of the calendar, so when you see the event form de icolud calendar you can see more information than the name and date.
First letter upper case
Hello, how can I have all the first letters in upper case. For example, if I write "hello Everybody, HOW are you" I would like to have "Hello Everybody, How Are You". Thanks in advance for your help.
Fantastic product – but the color palette …
Overall, I am immensely satisfied with Ninox and happy that I found it. It took a while – based on a vague memory of the usefulness and sheer fun of using HyperCard, as a kid,…
Urgent change
It is possible to make this urgent change requested several times by the undersigned. Unfortunately my operators leave the form using the X and not the close button.…
Make Global Search (Find) list view results customizable.
The list view results of a "Find" are virtually useless. You have to drill into each record to know what the find result is. This would be so much easier if we could customize the columns of the…
Ability to create public web forms, or integrate to 3rd party applications (JotForm , GoogleForms, etc.)
I would like to have the ability to create a web from that can be filled out without using the Ninox program, or having access to the database. It would be nice to customize our own web forms via…
Access Ninox URLs via Code
The 3.0 release feature of including unique URLs for records is finally here; however, there's currently no way of accessing the unique URL other than physically copying and pasting it.…
How to move "+ Create record" to top in Ninox 3.0
In Ninox 3.0, when there is a portal showing related records in form view, the "+ Create record" button appears at the bottom of the portal. Is there a way to move that button to the top of the…
Multiline Text Field Type
Please change the icon for this field so one can more easily tell the difference from the Text Field type. Thank you!
Batch processing
Are there any plans for batch processing pre defined fields in multiple records based on user defined criteria entered via an pre defined input form
Can I modify the picture or make a mark?
I want to make a note after taking a photo. Can I use this feature in the future?
Cannot undo an accidentally deleted print layout.
There's a bug in the Mac version where newly created table and print layout tabs jump around a bit. You know what I mean if you have seen this. OK, so I created a new print layout and then I decided…
Invoicenumbers by start
Hello Ninox gurus,I've been playing in Ninox for a month now and I'm carefully making an app.In Andy's lessons I learned how to create a specific numbering for the invoice numbers.…
Fix this forum so you can post a question even if you have forgotten to log in
What a mess this is. Don't forget to log in before you try to post a new question.
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