Database look up
Is it possible to look up a table in a different database?
3 replies
Yes, using the REST API
Thanks - of course, that makes sense. The next thing I need to get some help on is how to make this work! I have a working rest api using Postman and can see the data - so my url is like the one in the help section
How do I now get this data into a table? Or a linked table?
Hi Andrew,
Use this in a button for your URL above,
let response := do as server
http("GET", "YOUR-URL", {
Authorization: "Bearer YOUR-APIKEY"
}, null)
end;if response.error then
alert("oops!" + response.error)
Text := text(item(response.result, 0))
Sakshi- Ninox
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- 6 yrs agoLast active
- 3Replies
- 2060Views