Display Field if Choice A or B or C?
Hi Support I’ve tried researching for an answer to this query but can’t find it - 1) I’m looking to Display a Field only if Choice B (out of A, B and C) is selected.…
fillable PDFs
Is there a easy way to complete fillable PDF forms and import them into Ninox? Can you use importFile() with an http API request that returns a PDF file?…
Editing Tables
How do I edit a subtable on a form (stay in table view)
iCloud sync erases all new data from Mac
Since upgrading to Mojave, every time I enter new data on my Mac, it disappears and never syncs. This happens whether I quit the application on the Mac or sync to iCloud.…
How do you test to see if an image field is empty?
I want to check whether the user has dropped an image into a field. Can this be done in the current version of Ninox ?
Formula to jump to tab
I am trying to create a formula in a field trigger after update, where it will jump to a tab on my table. How do I acheive this?
trigger to understand if there's an attached file
There is a way to to write a trigger that understand if there is an attached file to a determinated entry? Something like: if there are attached to that entry -> do this
How do I create a user form to query DB?
I want to create a search gui for the DB to allow userrs to query using multiple fields. How do i do this?
User interface automation
I use Ninox on iPad and am trying to implement some user interface automation to create a switchboard of buttons for single click user access to different database activities.…
Formula to create prices for quotes
Hi! everyone I am trying to create a table where I can plug in a quantity and certain other details and a formula will give me a price. Has anyone done that? Thanks
Form design issue
In form edit mode, how do i stop field elements from snapping to location? Whenever i drag a field elsewhere in the form workspace, its position is filled by another field automatically.…
Prompts in a text field
Is is possible to have prompts recorded in a text field? I only want one field for a bunch of additional information but would like to leave prompts in there to be sure all appropriate questions are…
bar code
bar code
Table Constraints
I am trying to create a table constraint. I have a table named transaction, with a debit account, and a credit account, to move money from one, to the other.…
Select the Format and show the price
probably there is some reference here but I can not find it, but ok, here the questions How can this? : Have a product with varius Format ( 100 200 300 ml ) and like when select one of this format…
iCloud vs Local
Considering a purchase, but: I need to have the database available on my laptop even when not connected to the internet. But I also want to be able to work on the database on a different computer…
How can I change the currency to be in my local currency format?
how to create different forms from the table?
i have one table and i want to create different forms on the same table. is it possible? and how? thanks in advance
Duplicate record can't be repeated
Trying to duplicate a record several times where there is a lot of common or similar content but after one or two instances the Duplicate option is greyed out -- along with all options in the Record…
Hi, I've trying to place an http request in a trigger update. Seem to not working... Thank you if someone have experimented that ;-)
How can i save entire database from https://app.ninoxdb.de/...?
i tried many more time but i could't find any options for save the entire file as .ninox..i use ninox app on windows..
Calculating at date help please
I need to calculate a date but cant work out how to do it. Date + number of months from a multiple choice = new date. Eg, 12/12/18 + 6 months (number from multiple choice) = 12/5/19 Any ideas?
Use the ID of the record in a description
How can I get (fetch) the value of the ID field (visible in a view and that is unique) to use for example in a description ?
like to see more of my matrix
I have started to work with a test version - intension; similar information status for all persons working at different locations and reduction of complex e-mail traffic.…
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