WBS Sum budget elements
@@Fred Hello Fred I'm developing a fairly large WBS with 5 levels, I'm using the cascade method, I have a problem with the formula sum of the Budbet of each element of the WBS.…
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Active or Deactivate specific Budget record
Hi there are some way to active or deactive only the budget on and especific record (example the two red point) Thanks
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URL's that wrap in Print Layout have broken links
Hi, If I produce a PDF from the Print Layout with a URL field that wraps because it's too long to fit on one line, the link in the PDF breaks - it seems to include the line-break in the link as well…
drag and drop an image
Although I never had this problem brfore and given the fact the image field can accept (almost?) any format, in one database, I decided to drag and drop a pdf file (OCRised) of 3 pages...…
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Auto enter current date when a field is updated?
Hello, I am wondering if there's a way to have a date field self populate with the current date whenever I make changes in a field. I have a database with a 'Notes' section,…
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syntax problems
Hi everybody, I'm hoping that the power of the community could help me out, I've found myself stuck and cannot find the solution to a problem. First some background information:…
"Join" script function will not show line breaks
I've just started using Ninox. I've set up a database for my contacts with it. The database has two tables: "Contacts" and "Organisations". Contact details that are specific to individuals (eg,…
Dynamic (Multi) Choice display
I want to alter what a D(M)C field displays, dependent on the value of another field in that table. So for example, the D(M)C field is a list of 'Units', each stored as a field,…
How to get a filtered sum() from a table-value, where all have a common category?
I need to get the sum() Formula working that it not only gets me the sum of a specific field of a table, but also a filtered value. Like, all data-entries have a numbervalue and i just want to have…
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Neuer Editor Auto-Ergänzung ist ein absoluter Sch...
Könnt Ihr bitte diese Autoergänzung abstellen oder zumindest in der nächsten Version einen Ausschalter einbauen? Es macht keinen Spaß mehr Ninox-Anwendungen zu bauen.…
Dynamic Choice triggers twice
When trying to use a 'trigger on update' for a Dynamic Choice field, that actually changes the chosen value, the trigger runs twice. I was under the impression that sensibly a trigger is NOT…
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Comparing Multi-Selects
Looking for help on how to compare two multi-selects. Specifically, I need to return a true result when none of the options in the second list are selected in the first list.…
How to insert comment in code?
Hi NDB family! Is there a way to insert some kind of code to add a comment within code? I tried to use /* COMMENT */ but it doesn't seem to work. THX. G
Integromat - Trigger after update
I am trying to print a template through Integromat and save it in a record. For this I have a scenario where a yes/no field in the record is updated. This works perfectly.…
Order by descending
When selecting records you can't specify descending?
Updating calculation - effect on existing records
I have a calculation in my records. Let's say its " 'miles' * 0.50 " so if I travel 50 miles the answer is 25 (£25.00). But I need to increase the rate to 0.60. Now the answer will be £30.00.…
Duplicating a database deletes internal references
I have duplicated a Database in order to start populating it with data from scratch. One of the tables ('Selezioni') exists only to allow the creation of Cascading Dynamic Choice Fields.…
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Date fields and timezones issue (Unix vs UTC conflict)
Dear Ninox members, I would like to share my experience with other users as well as ask for improvement features from Ninox support in upcoming updates regarding Date fields that are affected by…
Calendar sync - beyond vs above
Could someone explain the difference between "months to sync beyond" and "months to sync ahead" in calendar syncing please? And why each is limited to 12 months? Thanks Nick
Table View column Totals
I have setup a view of my invoice table grouping records by customer and summing the total invoiced, total paid, and total owed fields. What I am wanting to do is to have a total row at the bottom…
New 3.6 Script Editor
Is there a way of turning off the auto-complete function in the new 3.6 script editor? If I want 2x " (double-quotes) or a pair of braces () or {} then it assumes I always want a pair.…
Values of Multiple Choice shown as list in print report
Hi guys, Normally when you put the values of a Multiple Choice field in a print report, it's shown as all the values separated by a comma and a space. Is it possible to get the values shown as a…
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Trigger on Open....
Is there any way to trigger actions on open a record? (there are on create and on update) Background: I am implementing a "cancel / undo" option where I want to rollback the values in case of…
while loop stops before reaching end
Hi everyone, I created a button in one table which is to export some values to another table creating new records there. I am using a while loop to create the records.…