Line feed/Carriage return in an Alert
Is this possible? Rather than
The quick brown fox jumped ove the lazy dog
One could format as
The quick brown fox
jumped over the
Lazy dog
3 replies
It is weirdly simple in Ninox. You would write your code like:
alert("The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs.")
Here is a sample of some code that uses a variable that has text with carriage returns and text with a carriage return.
alert("Please enter in data in the following fields: " + showNames)
Notice the carriage return at the end of fields:.
You can use also the ASCII code 13 + 10 (Carriage Return + Line Feed) with this code :
var CRLF := urlDecode("%0D%0A"); alert("coucou"+CRLF+"les amis");
In line 1, urlDecode converts the hexadecimal codes 0D (13) and 0A (10) into invisible characters on a string.
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- 2 yrs agoLast active
- 3Replies
- 184Views