To convert a given value to a string This function will return the data of a field or an array as text. It’s a bit like the function concat(). If you use this function on a multiple-choice field,…
To return the start timestamp of a given appointment With this function, you can address the start of an appointment. The function will return the date + time of the appointment,…
To calculate the square root Use the function to find the square root of a positive number. If the number has a negative sign, use the function abs() for example to convert it to a positive number…
To calculate the square The function squares a number, i.e. multiplies it by itself. The result is always positive. Syntax sqr(number) Return number Example sqr(x) To calculate the square of a number…
To split a string into an array by using a regular expression This function will split a string into single components using a regular expression. These components are assembled into an array.…
To split a string into an array at each separator This function will split a string into single components. These components are assembled into an array.…
To sort values in ascending order This function helps you to sort values in ascending order. You can pass any number of parameters. Requirement: They have the same data type.…
To extract a subrange from a string or array This function helps you to extract a partial range of an array and transfer it to a new array. You define the part you want to extract by a start and an…
To force Ninox to wait for a given number of milliseconds before continue running the code With this function, you can put Ninox on hold before continuing to execute your script.…
To calculate the sine The function can be used to determine the sine of a number. The result is a numeric value between -1 and 1. Syntax sin(number) Return number Example sin(x) To calculate the sine…
To return the signum of a number You can use the function to determine the sign of a number. The return value is either 1 (positive number) or -1 (negative number).…
To return a URL of a given view With this function, you can share a table view per script. If you don't specify the view to be shared, the default view will be selected.…
To return an URL of a specific file Use this function to create a link to share an image or an attachment per script. The shareFile function generates a share link that is only valid within the…
To update or add a key-value pair in a given JSON object With this function, you can update an already existing JSON object and add more data to it. If your JSON object is stored in a variable,…
To send an email out of Ninox With this function, you can send emails right out of Ninox. You can enter email details directly to the function or pull them from the respective fields.…
To send a SQL command to a connected SQL database In case you want to send a command to a connected SQL database, use this function to send your command as a string through a specified connection.…
To sort an array in descending order This function helps you to sort values in descending order. You can pass any number of parameters. Requirement: They have the same data type.…
To fill up a given length with a given padding at the end With this function, you fill a text at the end, i.e. to the right of the text, with one or more specified characters up to the desired total…
To round a given number You can use the function to round a decimal number to the specified number of decimal places. This is done according to the rules of commercial rounding,…
To replace the matches of a given regular expression with a given string in a given text This function extends the replace() function and gives you the possibility to search using regular expressions.…
Revealing some field according to Multiple Choice selections
Hi there, I've created a form with a Multiple Choice field consisting of 5 choices and some hidden fields (check mark). I want these hidden fields to appear whenever the 5th choice is among the other…
Register data in a underlaying child-table
I am trying to register the email in a separate underlying table; what am I doing wrong? The table is called 'E-post. sendEmail({ from: userEmail(user()), to: 'E-postadresse', cc: CC.…
To replace a pattern in a string with a given replace This function allows you a simple search & replace as you know it from a word processing program: You search in a text for a certain string.…
To remove a key-value pair from a given JSON object This function allows you to remove key-value pairs from an already existing JSON object. If your JSON object is stored in a variable,…
To return a record of a table by a given ID With this function, you can return a specific record by the table name and the unique record ID. If this record doesn't exist, null will be returned.…