Connecting Ninox to Make.com

Hello all. I've been racking my brain on how to do this but I'm struggling. When a record is created in a particular table in Ninox I would like to create a new contact in "Constant Contact" (the email marketing website). How do I do this? If this is through webhooks which I believe it may be, are you able to assist on how to do this? Many thanks!

5 replies

    • Ninox partner
    • RoSoft_Steven.1
    • 2 wk ago
    • Reported - view

    In make there is a Ninox module called  "Watch Record Events"(Receive events when records have been created or updated) and also a Constant Contact module called "Create a Contact"(Creates a new contact)

    Did you tried these modules?

    Or else, you need a button in Ninox which calls a webhook and then fills the data in the Constant Contact module.

    I don't have experience with Constant Contact, seems they need a OAuth2 authorization which you first need to activate inside your Constant Contact account I guess...

      • Jack_Fleming
      • 2 wk ago
      • Reported - view

       Thank you very much for your reply, much appreciated. Yes I saw there's a "Watch Records Events" in Make, but I don't understand how the Webhook works within it, and how it looks for data from a particular table in Ninox. 

    • Ninox partner
    • RoSoft_Steven.1
    • 2 wk ago
    • Reported - view

      I think you need to use a button in Ninox and call the webhook in the make scenario:

    In your button you can provide the data needed to create a C.contact.

    Should you require any further assistance, please feel free to ask.

      • Jack_Fleming
      • 2 wk ago
      • Reported - view

       If you could assist that would be very helpful thank you. The ninox table is called "Leads", so a button here would be fine to send the data to C.contact. Can you assist with the formula within the button?

      • Ninox partner
      • RoSoft_Steven.1
      • 2 wk ago
      • Reported - view


      First you need to create a webhook in make. Then you need to copy the link in the browser and activate the link. Now you have a webhook. (copy your link in the formula below)

      At this moment you still have no data going trough the webhook. For this you have to "redetermine data structure" in the webhook once you made your button with code like this:
      BTW: I used the Ninox template "Contacts" and the table Contact.

      let me := this;
      let url := "https://hook.eu1.make.com/t4jhhkjhkhsdqqs1sypgkggqsf6677ot";
      let method := "POST";
      let header := {
              'Content-Type': "application/json"
      let data := me.{
              kind: text(Kind),
              firstname: 'First name',
              lastname: 'Last name',
              phone: first(Phone[text(Label) = "Home"]).Number
      http(method, url, header, data)

      From this point, you can connect another module in your make scenario. You should now be able to use the fields you send trough the webhook (kind,firstname,lastname and phone, if you need more fields, just add and redetermine data structure...

      Hope this gets you started...