Data Entry Progression
It all started like most databases. I entered in data directly into the raw data table, Results. Here is how it looked back in April of 2020. I think I started with Ninox in 2019 so not very long. Not very pretty. As you can see I had to select a record for each of the four reference fields (City, Team2, Riders, Horses). Then I had to enter the Round Type, Start Order, Penalty and Time for each rider result which was 64 times per event. Lots of manual entry.
Things didn't change very much until October of 2021. Here you can see that I am now in the Location table and using the many side of a reference field to Results. I now create a new Result record with the Create record button.
I finally figured out that I can combine Team and Rider into one reference field (TeamRider) by using the Team Membership table, instead of selecting a Team and Rider separately. I also have a Partner reference field that links to a newly created Partner table that tracks Rider and Horse so now I can choose from a smaller group of horses instead of the whole Horses table.
I'm still having to enter in the Round Type and Start Order by hand. But not for long, well another two years, but I digress.
At this stage I'm still scrolling through the table list to get to the Location table. Well to be honest to do everything. Any new records in other tables I was manually going to each table and entering the data.
In April of 2023, I finally create a dashboard where I can select the Location record I need to edit data and go to it with a button and had it open on start up. So smart. :) Otherwise, things at the Location and Results are still the same at this point.
Then a few months later, July, I finally create a button that does most of the work in creating a record in the Results table.
I now can select the Rider and the code will fill out the Location, TeamRider, and Partner reference fields. It will also fill out the Round Type and Start Order. It will popup the record so I can fill in the Partner reference field. The Start Order choice field is not used anymore.
I'm still entering in the Penalties and Time data by opening each record through the reference field to Results.
This continues until just this year.
Now my Start dashboard finally has the ability to enter in the Results without having to click through. I can also popup the record I need in case I do need to make some changes directly.
This is just the flow for one data entry. As you can also see I have other buttons to enter in data into other tables without having to leave the dashboard. Now I don't need to make the raw data tables look pretty anymore since I should never have to interact with them directly anymore.
What has your data entry progression been?
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- 4 days agoLast active
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