userFirstName() possible bug?
I get nothing with a formula using this: On Can anyone confirm?
announced v3.14 features
Well besides the e-Invoicing, but that doesn't help me. :) The 2nd bullet point looks to incorporate a bit of Ninext. I wonder how many features will eventually be incorporated?…
Dialog not working.
In the 'Trigger on new record' I have the following let title := "Serial and/or Bundle Required"; let message := "Does this new record need it's Serial Number logged? If so is it part of a Kit/Bundle?…
Passing Dropdown Value to Another Page
Hi everyone, I'm trying to pass the value selected in a dropdown on my Dashboard page to a dropdown on my Job Setup page. Here's the setup: Dashboard Page:…
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Update a field and jump in a record.
I have a JavaScript function used to do a update of a field and jump in a record. --- function myClickTitleIntervention(id, url, valeurClick) { "{" } console.log("Start"); var myElement = database.…
Calculate Cumulative Time with Code
Hello everyone, I need a piece of code to calculate the continuous days of placing orders for sales (using weeks as the time interval). For example, today is Friday,…
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Formula returning a record causes type mismatch
I have a formula that returns a record. This formula works fine. But whenever I try to use the returned record in a then or else branch, I get a type mismatch. The formula field is OrderItems.…
calculate stock
Hi all I have a table "Fakturalinier Materialer" (Invoice lines articles) from which I want to control my stock. Therefore I made this calculation for a start, for later to set the stock value,…
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Regarding issues with editing the chart code
Hello everyone! Through studying the dashboard template Dashboard Template shared by Sotirios Zormpas, I have learned chart code. The following code already implements the display of accumulated data…
goto another record from calendar
Hi there, have anybody ever tried to jump to a record from calendar where the record I not the one which created the calendar event. I have this situation that I am in a table where I create a…
Generate QRCode to File or Image field
Following a discussion with @CISOFT Sàrl ,I embedded Sangmin Shim's code in a Ninext function to generate a QRCode on Ninox. The QRCode generates a file on the attached files or in the Image field.…
How to write code for data filtering?
How can we filter out the top three salespeople with code? Xiao Ru $382.00 Jiang Ningwei $648.00 Xiao Ru $1,704.00 Jiang Ningwei $2,883.00 Xiao Li $11,760.00 Yang Daibing $4,640.00 Li Yanping $980.…
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JSON and for loops
Hi all - I was reviewing the set() command and noticed this: for i in response do let new := (create Contacts); for key, value in i.fields do set(new, key, value) end end Look at line 3,…
Put comments in the scripts
I discovered that it is possible to easily metre comments in scripts with a notation that was not documented: #{here I can put any text}#; var y := year('Start date'); var m := month('Start date');…
Copy record Id failing
I have the following script on a button. Everything copies over except the record Id. Any ideas on why? The target newInventory.(PurchaseItem := me.Id);, is a number. No errors are apparent.…
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Connect 2 entries
Hello. I have this code in the table Solicituds in a button: let dniActual := DNI; let personaEncontrada := (select Personas where DNI = dniActual); if count(personaEncontrada) > 0 then alert("El DNI…
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Trigger after update not triggered when updating by copy&paste
I have a table with code for trigger after update (for the table, not a field). When I edit an existing record by typing in a field, the trigger gets called as expected.…
Weird do as server issues
Hi all - A button with a do as server use to work well, now I'm noticing that it doesn't do what it is supposed to do. If I remove the do as server it works fine, but really slow.…
Open URL button w/URL parameters (ninox replacing characters)
Hello, Ninoxians! I am trying to create a button that will open a URL and pass parameters into that URL from my record; however, Ninox is replacing parts of the URL with different characters.…
add onselect event for view field
In response to @Alain Fontaine & @Fred Christmas wish (https://forum.ninox.com/t/h7hbkmp?r=h7hbvzj), I have added a viewEvent function to Ninext project.…
Control of HUD icons
Can anyone tell which one of these switches off the paperclip and comment icon? Also, the print icon. I am hoping to be able to switch off everything and just leave the paperclip,…
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how can I make the options in HOME not include the items that have already been selected..
Hi friends, how can I make the options in HOME not include the items that have already been selected (inside the blue box)?
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OpenURL and parameters being replaced
Hi, I am trying to pass two fields to a URL as parameters, then use a button to open that in a new browser window. I have a formula to generate the following link which works correctly: https://www.…
Best practice to duplicate a record
Hello friends, I am using the Ninox macOS client (now that it has been updated to 3.13.3) I have created a "Duplicate Product Item" button to create a duplicate record of any product item in order to…
Hash of a string and check
Hello everyone. I use SHA-256 algorithm to generate hash from strings. Hashing is generated correctly and the value is copied to the clipboard. function sha256HashAndCopyToClipboard(string :…
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