Create a zip file of all invoices generated with printRecord()
I would like to create a zip file that includes all invoices from all records in the "Transactions" table.
Invoices are usually obtained individually by clicking on a button containing the printRecord(this, "Invoice_template_dynamic") function.
I would need code that generates all the invoices and then integrates them into a zip file before downloading the zip file directly to my computer (I don't want to save the zip file in Ninox).
Thanks for your help.
11 replies
I am reviving the topic concerning the need to download all invoices for a given period in a zip file.
Here is my current code that downloads each pdf independently
let filterStart := 'Début du filtre'; let filterEnd := 'Fin du filtre'; let sample := (select Transactions); for loop in sample do if'Date de facturation') >= filterStart and'Date de facturation') <= filterEnd then printRecord(loop, "facture_dynamique") end end
Ideally, each pdf would be named "Invoice No." followed by the invoice number found at (select Transactions).'N° de transaction' and that the work is done in the background (so that it does not block Ninox during loading time which can be very long).
Thank you for your help.
The problem is that I can't manipulate printRecord() with createZipFile(). Either the files are downloaded directly to my machine without going through zip compression, or nothing happens.
First you need to create all your PDF's because of the lag between the actual PDF is created and the availability of this file. Then you need a second image field where you would put your .zip file in. Lets say I call this field "zipfile(ImageField)"
So you need 2 buttons , one to create all your PDF's and another to create your .zip file where you can add a filter in your select function (or create a dialog between the code to add some time). Be aware that these variables must be in the "do as server" area.
do as server let strt := today(); let end := today()+10; let inv := (select Invoices where InvoiceDate >= strt and InvoiceDate <= end).Invoice(ImageField); zipfile(ImageField) := createZipFile(this, inv, "") end
Following code won't work (the docs are a bit limited about this):
let strt := today(); let end := today()+10; let inv := (select Invoices where InvoiceDate >= strt and InvoiceDate <= end).Invoice(ImageField); do as server zipfile(ImageField) := createZipFile(this, inv, "") end
If it can help someone, here is the code for each button:
Button to generate each invoice in a record of my 'Documents' table with the indicator "Type de document' := 18" which will later be used to delete all the records that have just been created.
let filterStart := 'Début du filtre'; let filterEnd := 'Fin du filtre'; let sample := (select Transactions); for loop in sample do let nomFacture := "Facture n°" + loop.'N° de transaction' + ".pdf"; if'Date de facturation') >= filterStart and'Date de facturation') <= filterEnd then let me := this; let newDocFacture := (create Documents); newDocFacture.(Compte := loop.Compte); newDocFacture.('Type de document' := 18); newDocFacture.('Date de création' := today()); newDocFacture.(Transactions := loop); newDocFacture.('Nom du document' := nomFacture); newDocFacture.(Document := importFile(this, printAndSaveRecord(loop, "facture_dynamique"), nomFacture)) end end; 'Documents générés en masse' := true; 'Fichier zip généré' := false
Button to create the zip in the 'Fichier zip' field.
do as server 'Fichier zip' := createZipFile(this, (select Documents where 'Type de document' = 18).Document, "") end; 'Fichier zip généré' := true
Button to download the zip file.
let i := fileMetadata(this, last(split(text('Fichier zip'), "/")));; downloadURL(text(shareFile('Fichier zip')), text(; 'Zip téléchargé' := true
Button to delete all records that were created for invoice download. They are separated from other documents with "Type de document' := 18"
'Fichier zip' := null; --- Suppression des documents ---; do as server delete (select Documents where 'Type de document' = 18) end; --- Fin ---; 'Documents générés en masse' := false; 'Zip téléchargé' := false; 'Fichier zip supprimé' := true
Please note however that the zip file is deleted from 'Fichier zip' and will be moved to the paperclip.
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- 3 wk agoLast active
- 11Replies
- 84Views