access a specific user inside a ninox function that's called through the api
Hi everyone, so I'm accessing some table in ninox through the ninox api with an api key. For security reasons, the api call is done through an external script,…
v5 of Carbone in Beta
Hi all - Just saw that Carbone announced the beta of v5. With the big announcement of: Designer Assistant: This is the main part of the studio where you can test, debug, and build your templates.…
Ninox E-Invoicing
Hello everyone, Ninox will support the e-invoice-compliant data formats ZUGFeRD and XRechnung with a new function. This will make it possible to receive,…
Not all fields showing
I have 15 fields but only 8 is showing how do I change it to show all the fields?
Private Cloud APIs
All available Ninox Private Cloud API endpoints Content in curly brackets { } signifies a placeholder. Both the curly brackets and the content within must be replaced for the request to work.…
Slowly getting a handle on Dynamic Printing
I've been playing around with Carbone studio to get a better handle on how to work with Dynamic Printing and have come up with the following: The dynamic bits of it are the Year and everything in the…
Update a field and jump in a record.
I have a JavaScript function used to do a update of a field and jump in a record. --- function myClickTitleIntervention(id, url, valeurClick) { "{" } console.log("Start"); var myElement = database.…
How to create a column in a view with a sequential row number
I have searched the forum and did not find anything that directly answers this. i have a table with two columns gross and net values. I created two views each sorted by the Gross value and the net…
- Answered
History in calendar
Hi all, it seems to be that every time I do something in calendar, it will be marked as history on top og each date. Does anyone know if it is possible to hide this history for the end user ?…
API calls in Ninox script
Call Ninox API with the http() function via the formula editor To call other services on the internet, use the formula editor in the Ninox app and Ninox API.…
Tables, fields, and records
Query parameters and common attributes to query records with Ninox API Tables When retrieving data for tables using a GET, POST, or DELETE request, the response body lists all available tables as…
Introduction to Ninox API
Understand Ninox API and set up your environment Ninox moved from ninoxdb.de to ninox.com. The current interface is api.ninox.com/v1. We recommend building new integrations on top of the new…
Duplicate a sub-table while omitting fields.
I have a table that I duplicate using a button and a script for which I received help on this forum. This table has a sub-table which is also duplicated.…
- Answered
Problem organising a report.
I've just followed Andy's video on this page: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_FA5-uMV8u8, which explains how to make a report. However, in my version of Ninox (for iPad),…
Calculate Cumulative Time with Code
Hello everyone, I need a piece of code to calculate the continuous days of placing orders for sales (using weeks as the time interval). For example, today is Friday,…
- Answered
Using templates
Choose between a diverse range of templates or design your own database Ninox offers a variety of different templates that you can use as needed, for instance for your address book, collections,…
Creating a database
Your first program for your data. Store and link your data sensibly ... and quickly find everything again whenever you need it Every Ninox project starts with a database where you store your…
Forms and views
Enter your data here and filter as required Forms In some applications (especially databases), a structured window, box, or other self-contained element provides a visual filter for the underlying…
What is an application?
Applications, often simply called apps, are complete, self-contained computer programs developed for end users. Applications perform specific and useful tasks that have nothing to do with the IT…
We show you, step by step, everything that Ninox can do To create your own applications, whether it’s an invoice management system, event calendar or customer management solution (CRM),…
Formula editor features
An overview of all basic features the formula editor offers as of version 3.6.0 At the moment, the new formula editor features are available for the web app (app.ninox.com) as well as the Mac app.…
The formula editor
This is where you script The input of functions or procedures is done via the formula editor in a Formula (always indicated by fx). These fields are the "entrance" to the formula editor.…
Introduction to Ninox script
The Ninox script language (also "NX script language" or "NX script") is designed to automate simple, repetitive operations, as well as complex work sequences,…
Date and time formats
Token Description Example YY Year: 2 digits 21 YYYY Year: 4 digits 2021 M Month: 1 or 2 digits 1 … 12 Mo Month: ordinal 1st … 12th MM Month: 2 digits 01 … 12 MMM Month: 3 characters Feb MMMM Month:…
Icon picker
Find the name of each available icon in Ninox In version 3.12, we're introducing a new icon library and an updated icon picker. When you update from version 3.11 to 3.…