real time link between local DB and Cloud DB
Hi there,
with the barcodeScan I can scan a barcode via my mobile app and place the barcode info in a field in the mobile app.
How do I pass this info over to the app in the Cloud, preferable in realtime. Is that possible at all ?
11 replies
Is there a reason why you can't use the cloud DB in the app?
If you have to use an offline DB, one way would be create a button that exports the updated records then emails them to a gmail account that you can setup with a middleware to then process any email/attachment.
If you have a public cloud account, you can access your DBs through the app. Once you login in the app you will see your cloud workspaces. You can then interact with your DB in the app.
The cloud DB is already set for multi-user. You just have to have a different login for each user. So someone can be in the iphone app, another on a computer browser, and another on MacOS app.
Then you need to setup your DB to multi-user friendly, but that is another issue.
Hi again Fred - have just tried it, and it works perfectly as I wanted - so thanks again for your great help
I will mark this as answered
Hi Leo
When it comes to designing the barcode scanning have a look at the binding options for a field
The field used to capture the scan should be a text field the uses Global variable in memory. This means that each user can have their own value of scan without affecting each other. Then use a button or trigger to use the scanned data to find or update your data.
I have just used this technique to record my year-end stock take and it worked seamlessly.
Regards John
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- Status Answered
- 2 mths agoLast active
- 11Replies
- 78Views