Fehler beim Archveimport
Hallo, ich versuche mit Cloud-Version ein Archiv - eine csv-Datei mit Größe ca. 1,7 MB - zu importieren. Bei jedem Versuch wird eine Fehlermeldung "Failed to upload archive" angezeigt.…
I cannot work in windows xp pc, I get a white blank screen. Pls, I need help
fields printing visible or invisible
Hello. How do I define the table elements that will appear during printing? Thanks. Sylvain
Question about the numbers and names of column
Hi I have two questions about the names and numbers of fields -Sometimes the names of the columns (fields) are just columns Column1, Column2, Column4 …mixed with real names Name Job adress… When one…
Formula randomly displays date+hour instead of only date
Hello, I use a very simple formula that is meant to calculate the difference of days between two date fields. It works, however sometimes the value is stored as "xx days" and sometimes as xx days 1:…
A formula to really change numbers in text in a column in a real numbers columns ?
Hi, How can we change numbers in text into real numbers ? I used the formula : format(number('Number of 'species'), "0000") It works well but if I click on the filter box at the top of the column I…
Is there a syntax for 'select distinct'?
If I have rows of transaction date and I want to extract distinct (each member 1 time) list from a column, is there a "select distinct" syntax like there is in SQL?
Auto-enter appointment dates
I have a vacation rental database I've imported into ninox. The old database has a check-in field and a check-out field. I'm planning on using the appointment field in Ninox for new reservations,…
Concatenate for sum
Hi The notice says that to get the sum of a numbers that are inside the fields one have to use "concatenate" in the filer box and choose between sum -average- minimum -maximum.…
Is there a way to keep certain users from seeing some records in a database
I have a database with all our Account information, and I have a sales team who is in charge of the Accounts they sold. Is there a way to limit the records a sales person can see in the database.…
Hi, anyone connected Ninox to PowerBI?
Hi, anyone connected Ninox to PowerBI?
Is it possible to fill a choice list from a table? Thanks
For example: i have a customer table with a sub table linked called “dogs” so every customer might have more than 1 dog. Anothe table is called activities,…
search bar on mobilphone
When I’m in a table, my search bar does not appear on my mobile phone. It is clearly visible on the computer. what can i do ? Thanks Sylvain
Home page for users
Trying to decide between Filemaker and Ninox for an application where our company's executives and Board members can log-in to see their individual holdings of our company's shares and similar…
field name with HTML formatting
Using a formula I want to set the size of an image (using "%" to set the size) on a form. That is to say I have a logo field in a settings table and refer to it in another form using a formula.…
Windows update error code 8007000e
I have recently bought a router and installed it on my system and my system runs Windows 7 OS. I cannot install the router properly as it shows an error on my system.…
Recipe as an ingredient entry for other recipes
Hello, I am building a recipe manager and I am facing a challenge when a recipe can itself serves as an ingredient for another recipe (let's call it main recipe).…
Select statement behaviors...
I am working to piece together my understanding of the SELECT statement in Ninox. REQUEST 1: Does anyone have a few examples where they use the 'Join()' command? I'd like a few working examples.…
Bug report
Lettle bug to report. There is a difference in view from Ninox app and Ninox Cloud for the same form. Below two screenshot on wich you can view that the same record and value,…
Preview file instead of download
HI does amyone have a way to preview a file in cloud version instead of downloading the file when clicking on a file it always downloads it, however before it downloads it pops open a new tab on the…
Changing field format
Hi, is it possible to change the type of a filed in a database? For instance, I have a database in which I would change a free text field into a choice type field, in order to force, from now on,…
Parent - Child Record Update Example. Code Help to Complete Needed.
I hope this will be enlightening for others, in addition, to help to me. Thank you in advance. I appreciate the help I’ve received. Nonetheless, I am working in circles.…
Print/PDF von JOIN Funktion liefert eingerückte Ergebnisse
Hallo zusammen, mit der JOIN Funktion kann ich die Werte für eine PDF-Ausgabe abrufen und untereinander mit Zeilentrennung ausgeben. Merkwürdigerweise erscheint das Ergebnis bei einigen Werten so,…
Automatisch berechnete Positionsnummern formatieren 1 = 00010
Hallo, ich habe ein Feld, das automatisch die Positionsnummern eines Angebotes zählt (1, 2, 3 …). Die Werte sollen in der Ausgabe aber im Format 00010, 00020, 00030 erscheinen.…