Struggling to get Display Field Only If to work with null values

I have a gross margin calculation comparing my business' price to a competitors. When a competitor doesn't offer a product, the result for the calculation is -Infinity. That's fine - that's Ninox interpreting the garbage in quite well. However, I'd rather not display -Infinity, and just display nothing. I've multiple attempts with Display field only, if. My current incantation is:

'Competitor Price' != null

I've also created a column called test that runs the same calculation, and you can see in the column result values of "No" and "Yes" so I know it's seeing the Null value correctly. I've also tried Display Field Only, if based on that column as well and regardless, it displays the -Infinity value.

I must be missing a subtlety - can you help?

1 reply

    • Alain_Fontaine
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Strange... I tested it and it worked (at least on the iPad version).

    Another approach would be to insert the test in the formula itself:

    if 'Competitor Price' = null then
    >>>> insert your formula here

    An advantage is that it is not necessary to make the field disappear entirely, with the possible impact on the general layout.

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  • 3 yrs agoLast active
  • 1Replies
  • 368Views