data export to excel 05-01 needs to stay 05-01 but ecel shows it as 5th Jan!

Hi All


If you could help that would be great


I have a load of spec numbers for assets I look after.  they are always 2 number with a - then another 2 number.  ie 05-01 or 12-11


Problem is when these set of numbers could be a day and a month such as the above 05-01 5th Jan or 12th Nov Excel shows it as this when I export it.  It is a real pain to have to edit each cell that it does this too.


is there a way to get this sorted before I export?


Thank you 

2 replies

    • Fred
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    This is more an Excel issue not an Ninox issue.


    You will need to search the web about how to tell Excel to stop treating a number like a date.

    • John_Halls
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    I have a similar problem. All my product code are three digits, a full stop and then four digits, eg 112.0036 Its such a pain when I export to Excel and re-import as some will truncate, 113.3400 becomes 113.34. I make sure now that all my reference numbers start with a letter to force Excel to treat it as text. The smae thing happens with barcodes too! Good luck.

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