Styled Color in Calendar
Hi to all. I'm trying to get calendar text to show as colors based on their status in a dropdown. This is the string that I want to show: Status + " |" + Customers.…
Nested Dynamic Lists
I'm trying to add the ability to attach a category and sub-category to a record. These lists of values need to be dynamic, so I am making use of the Choice (dynamic) field type.…
To change a word of a field with a formula ?
Hi Can someone tell me the way to change a word of a field with a formula ? ie change the word "limicole" by "petit échassier limicole". In fact, add "petit échassier" in front of "limicole".…
Dynamic choice which trigger numeric value change?
Does anyone know how to have a numeric value pulled as a result of a dynamic choice please? I have a dynamic choice field called 'Stock Parts CABLING' which pulls a list of parts from a table called…
Text field containing all data from other table
Hello, i am looking for a way to display ALL data that is within another table. I have a sub-table (from another table, not linked to the one where the dashboard is) that looks like this:…
Can I add icons?
I use Ninox to manage my income and expenses for tax. This means categorising the expenses as travel, production costs etc. using a picklist. As this is quite a long list I use icons in the list to…
user id
i would like to have the field user id filled automatically, from the user....i think is a stupid thing
Another way than import datas ?
Hi, I should like to import some datas from the app Numbers to a Ninox base. I export the sheet in csv and try to recover it in Ninox. But I can't succed to do that with the import function in my…
Automatic email sent on a specific date. Is that something possible to do with Ninox?
Hello, I have created a date field to record the birthday date of my client. I would like to set up on Ninox a way to automatically send an email on their birthday's date.…
Dependant Table Actions
Scenario: we are managing email templates for different clients. Table A Contains - Email Type - a list of the types of email templates that exist Table B Contains - Customers - a list of the…
How to change the sixe om table view on ipad?
Can anyone help me?
Query Help for a VIEW. Unexpected behavior.
I have a PLAN HEADER and PLAN DETAIL parent-child structure. I have it setup so that I use a slider when ON shows ALL PLAN DETAIL line items, and when OFF,…
Returning field ids instead of field names when getting a single record using the REST API
When getting multiple records with the API, it is possible to send a query parameter of ids=1 to return the field id instead of the field name. Does this funcationality exist for the get a single…
How can I generate bar codes from my ninox database ?
Hello, My company is using Ninox. We have a database which contains all our references. I'd like to know how can I generate a bar code for each reference and how can I scan it ?…
Tabs : new Before show and After hide scripts
A surprise in next Ninox : in the tabs of forms, there are 2 new scripts : Before show and After hide....anyone has tested ?
Updating Child Record Only if it Doesn't Exist.
I would like to auto-populate my PLAN LINES based on all 'active' items. Once I build the header, I have a button that says "Create Plan Lines" and should create one plan line for each Active Item in…
To copy a formula field in a formula text ?
Hi Is it possible to copy a formula field in a formula text ? Thank you
Issue to import
Hi Could someone help me ? I am trying to import a csv doc (from Numbers) in a Ninox base and I have a strange issue. The name of a column is not written as it should do.…
Dynamic Multiple Choice doesn't display values in order (A-Z), but should
Hi everybody! I'm hoping someone can help me with this because I give up - can't figure it out :->) I'm using a Dynamic Multiple Choice field, "Show as" Radio Buttons on the COLORS Table.…
Import a fx field ?
Hi I need to import fields from a csv database into a Ninox database. Issue : when I am in the two import/export windows, one of the fields in the Ninox database is a formula so it does not appear…
Bundled Product Circular Reference
I have a product table and want to make a product that is made up of other products (like a bundle product). The issue is that when I try to calculate the total price of the bundle product by adding…
Array: Display Linked Pictures From Other Than First & Last
I have a linked Table Reference called "People" (which are all people's names) and another table called "Jobs". Each job has a number of different people involved.…
Filter records in Kanban view?
Is there a way to filter records in a kanban view? We have a table with a record for each project. There is a choice field for project status and a choice field for assigned to.…
Bigger or equal…
Hi I have a formula in wich I should like to put the math symbol > or = I am on an Ipad and the virtual keyboard have not that possibility; just touch > or touch =;…