Secure Ninox API calls
Hi, I've just started looking into the Fetch API to make calls to the Ninox server from the Ninox client side (web app). I'm a bit worried about exposing the Ninox API Key this way.…
Best practice: Speeding up Ninox scripts
Hi there, I'm trying to backup my bookkeeping from sevDesk; so I first filled a ninox table with all the JSON Results from the sevDesk REST API. Result is ~1900 Datasets Now I want to split my Data…
Sort concatenated values in table view not working
Hi, I have a parent table "Programmes" and a child table "Works" . In the "Works" table I have a number field called Order and then a field which combines the WorkTitle with the order…
- Answered
Dialog not working.
In the 'Trigger on new record' I have the following let title := "Serial and/or Bundle Required"; let message := "Does this new record need it's Serial Number logged? If so is it part of a Kit/Bundle?…
Definitions of key terms for reference This glossary isn't exhaustive and will be continually updated. The glossary's main purpose is for linking from other pages in the Ninox manual to quickly…
Ninox, Mac app and iCloud
A few considerations when using Ninox on macOS and iCloud Ninox and iCloud You can use Ninox without a Public Cloud subscription by syncing your data via iCloud.…
Understand usage overview and capacity restrictions
Learn how to keep track of your available storage, number of records, API calls, and emails sent The amount of storage per license, records per database, API calls per month,…
Passing Dropdown Value to Another Page
Hi everyone, I'm trying to pass the value selected in a dropdown on my Dashboard page to a dropdown on my Job Setup page. Here's the setup: Dashboard Page:…
- Answered
Invite collaborators
Inviting members and contributors to your workspace To invite collaborators to a workspace, go to the corresponding workspace and click on the right side of the page.…
Manage licenses
Removing a collaborator or yourself from a workspace How do I remove a collaborator from a workspace? If you are the owner or admin of a workspace, click the name of the collaborator you want to…
Calculate required licenses
Know how many licenses you need to add to your subscription Owners The contractual partner of Ninox, i.e., the one who pays and manages all licenses, is called an owner.…
Book subscription
How to proceed after your free trial has ended Finished your free 30-days trial? To continue using Ninox, choose between 2 versions in the Public Cloud and pay via our self-service payment provider:…
Create account
You need an account to use Ninox Ninox is a SaaS (Software as a Service), meaning you work cloud-based. This allows you to access Ninox in the cloud via your browser—even without downloading the app.…
Select and query specific records
select ... where select lets you access any record of any table within a database using a script. Enter the name of the table from which you want to pull records after the select command.…
Introduction to SQL Server Connectors
Availability SQL Server Connector configuration is an Enterprise feature available on request that requires a valid license purchased from Ninox or a certified partner.…
Set multiple conditional statements
if ... then ... else if | switch ... case Create multiple conditional statements by concatenating if-then-else blocks. Write another if after else for another condition and so on—continue for as long…
3.13 Popup Close Delay
Has anyone else experienced a delay when closing a nested popup window? When closing a popup window for a subtable, the one popup closes and then there is a slight delay before the parent record…
Set conditional statement
if ... then ... else ... end Use if ... then ... else ... end to specify an if-then-else conditional statement that has Ninox check whether a sequence of statements should be executed (if... then...…
Declare variable
let Create a new variable with let and assign a value to the variable using :=. The name of the variable must not be a keyword. For example, let let is not allowed.…
Writing dynamic texts
Make texts dynamic via a script To personalize texts, for example, send a letter that looks basically the same as an invoice to many recipients with the respective other data,…
Ninox operators
The most important operators for writing scripts Operator Description Examples := A "defined as equal to" operator assigns a value to a field or variable.…
Comparison operators
Two values are compared with each other This allows you to compare 2 numeric values. The operators return a result that is either true or false. The output in the Ninox field is Yes (true) or No…
Arithmetic operators
Create simple arithmetic operations These operators let you take 2 numeric values, perform a calculation, and return a numeric value. This is mainly about basic arithmetic operations.…
How can I link a file hosted on a local server?
De la misma manera que cuando usamos el campo 'Dirección de Internet' para vincular un archivo ubicado en una nube, necesito poder hacer lo mismo pero con un archivo ubicado en un servidor local (que…
Dynamic multi-selection in the subform: Display of selected and unselected items.
I have an inspection form that needs to ensure all items are selected at least once. I would like to know which items are missing from the inspection in the subform.…