Does a button only work once ?
Hi, I pressed an old button and it had no effect. Does a button only work once ? If it does, how can one make it work again ? Thank you
Code to Generate PO Numbers
I'm need my purchase orders numbered based on the PO date and then followed up with a dash and a sequential letter. For instance today I'd need them to be: 06112021-A, 06112021-B, 06112021-C, etc.…
I can't get a Dynamic Choice to select from a table. It works in other circumstances.
I'm building a dashboard form, and I'm stumped. I have a Dynamic Choice which returns a value from Column Kit from a table Kits. Works fine. In the Dynamic Choice,…
Automatic record creation
Good morning, I have two tables - Table1 and Table2. Table2 is a subtable of Table1. Every time Field1 (a formula field that shows a number from Table3) in Table1 is higher than 0,…
Holiday day alert
Hi, I am looking for guidance on a syntax/formula issue. I want to alert a user if they select a predetermined holiday date.I have a logistics booking table with two dates:…
Odd Database behavior
I have 2 different databases with the same function where they select a product from a drop down menu(linked table ComboBox) and then it adds the record to the lineitem table.…
Count similar records in same table
Newbie question... I'm trying to write a formula to count the number of records in the same table which match a certain condition. For example, in a table called "Customers",…
How can I have a formula that counts records from a table?
Hi, how ca I have a formula field that counts records in a column matching a string from a table? Thanks, Francesco
To [ Edit Fields ]
When I click the Edit Fields from the main menu nothing happens so I cant add or edit a field . Can you help please Many Thanks Fil Coley philipcoley@me.com
Can I replicate Access key fields, indexes, enforced relationship integrity, and data entry options in Ninox
I’m trying to replicate a personal-use database that I originally developed in Access 97, and the transferred to FileMaker Pro. I’ve been able to import the data successfully,…
Import from Tapforms
Hello I want to make the transistion from Tapforms to Ninox. I have exported the seperate tables and located the link field within them. I am having no sucess trying to rebuild the relationional…
Webhook - Integromat - Übergabe eines Datenarrays
Hallo und guten Morgen! Ich möchte gerne über einen Webhook Daten an Integromat übergeben. Habe ich gemacht - und funktioniert gut! ------------------------------------------------- let wpURL :…
Allow user to set their own view and fields
Is it possible for user to create their own views and columns to display?
How to allow users to import/export data from table
Besides administrator, how can i allow users to export data from table?
Jan Laan
Hi there, I want to retrieve data from a table Products and store that in Invoices via a dynamic choice field, how do I do that?
Red triangle with exclamation point icon on Table Icon
What does the red triangle with exclamation point icon on a Table mean? I can find nothing in the forums or the manual. See attached image.
Is it possible to perform multiple sort on a view?
Is it possible to sort a view by Column A, ascending followed by Column B ascending?
Can't find anymore a field !
Hi It's strange but I can't find anymore a field in my form view but that is in the table field… Is there a way to resolve that ? Thanks.
Issue with a button
Hi I'd like to use a button to sort duplicates or no duplicates of names in a table. So I create a new field that I name "isDuplicate" I create a button "isDuplicate" with the script : let a := "" ;…
Impossible to put some pictures in Ninox !
Hi Sometimes I drop a picture from the web on the picture aera od the forms view and Ninox refuse it. What is the issue ? How can I manage it ? Thank you
Link record n:1
I use this code to automatically link records 1:n let myID := ID;let nMP := (create 'SecondTable');nMP.('FirstTable' := myID); What code can I use for the reverse, n:1? THX
Issue to drag and drop columns of a 2 relational tables
Hi Having created a relation between 2 tables in a base I go to "modify" (gear tool) and I try to drag a column from the right window (available columns) to the left window (visible columns) but it…
Formula to combine two multiple choice fields?
What would the formula look like that could do this?
You are not authorized.
Hello Ninox! I am having difficulty opening some of my databases. When I try to open it, nothing happens. If I try to create a backup of those DBs then I get an error "You are not authorized".…
Inserting a hyperlink to a printed PDF
I can currently print a series of instructions for a colleague using the following as a formula in a table: if 'Bus Stops'.Operator != "WALK" then"catch the route " + 'Diagram Strata Information'.…