How can I add two arrays?
Any idea how you can add arrays in NINOX let a := 1;let b := 2;let c := 3;let d := 4;let ar1 := [a, b, c];let ar2 := [d];let ar3 := [ar1 + ar2];ar3 This will give the result 1234 instead of 1,2,3,…
Have field remain blank if sum is zero
Hello, this is probably something simple that I'm missing, but... I have two number fields in a table that I are added together to make a total. If this total is zero - as in £0 - then I would like…
How do I send a return in a TXT?
This sms://0401111111?&body=Hello World sets up a TXT in Messages on my Mac ready for me to press RETURN. How do I include RETURN in my command string? sms://0401111111?…
Will the Forum Admin please clean this massive spam dump up ?
Will the Forum Admin please clean this massive spam dump up ? This is a train wreck. Thanks
Are you kidding me? more than 230 pages spam.... I've given up on 230... who knows how many more there were...
Database Degradation
Was wondering if anyone else has experienced issues with their database where scripts stop executing, formulas calculate haphazardly and dynamic choice fields only work sometimes.…
Can't find the field width control
I'm new to Ninox. So far, so good, but I've got lots of "how do you ...?" questions. Today's question is this: In the User Manual, Section 5. Tables, 5.…
Zoom link gets converted in Sendmail
I'm using SendMail to send Zoom meeting invitations to online students. A link like https://zoom.us/j/2861234557?pwd=TklkRG1oNXNwSHR2awsSk9HaVpKRFppZ ends up looking like http://links.ninoxdb.…
How prohibit changes to the table record
How i can prohibit changes in the table of an already made record. Task - If the record has been made, no one can change it, just admin. The prohibition on deletion has been work,…
Need Help to write an email into the desiging fonts style
This community is very unique and here people are very helpful so I am here to ask a question about the fonts style my question is I like stylish font style from <a href="https://anchorfonts.…
How do you make a multiple choice into a number in a separate text box?
I'm trying to make it so a text box has the amount of things chosen in the multiple choice. It comes up as Choice1, Choice2 etc. But i want it to show how many i've chosen and not the names. tia
Button for IOS app?
How do you make a button small for an IOS app? Mine look huge and take up too much space. Also, anyone know of a general resource for how to design screens for Ninox IOS?
Enabling others to fill in information
If I am a single user can I develop a database that enable others to open a table and input their information?
How to get image formula field on print view
Hello, I'm using a formula field (named "html") with html code <a href... to get a picture. I can see the picture in a formula field (named "photo") of the form by using html(html) but I can't see…
How I can generate an API Key in Private Cloud ?
Hello, Since i move to private cloud i can't generate an API key... Can somebody help me?
How do i create a table reference?
I would like to include a reference of another table into my current one.
Create attendance register/sheet
Hello! We are using Ninox to create a database of attendees for my new dance class. Is there a way to create an attendance register for the weekly classes within the app to get a total of who…
Compare tables
I have two tables (Tab1 and Tab2) I want to know the new data records in Tab1, which is not available in Tab2 and the data records which are available in Tab2 but not I know Tab1.…
Execute eval() in triggers
My use case would be to pass a field name as a text argument to a user-defined function and take action based on the field's state or value. This appears to work in the Formula field and Button,…
Tabelle kopieren
Hallo zusammen Wie kopiere/dupliziere ich eine ganze Tabelle? Danke für Eure Hilfe
Hello all I have a view where i make a sum, and i'm trying to remove the sum symbol but how do i do that ? and i also want to make a warning in the sum cell i the value is above x
Doppelte Einträge finden
Hallo Ist es möglich, dass ich beim erstellen eines Datensatz darauf hingewiesen werde, dass es diesen schon gibt? zB: Ich gebe im Feld "Artikelnummer" den Wert 7329 ein.…
Layout Farbe in der Mac App Version
In der Online Version ist es möglich Felder feinzufärben. Anscheined geht da etwas mehr in der Online-Version. Es wäre schön mehr Optionen, wie in Apple’s Numbers,…
Dark mode
Would be usefull a dark/night mode
Layout Farbe in der Mac App Version
In der Online Version ist es möglich Felder feinzufärben. Anscheined geht da etwas mehr in der Online-Version. Es wäre schön mehr Optionen, wie in Apple’s Numbers,…