how trasform a time interval into a number?
How can I calculate the cost of a working day by multiplying the number of hours worked by the hourly price?
Choose more than one?
This has turned out to be a day for questions. Here's my next burning question: Is it possible to select more than one item in a Choice field? For example,…
Conceptual Problem.
Conceptual Doubt about the Disciplines and Activities Tables The Disciplines table has some specialties, example Civil has Foundations etc as a specialty and each specialty has different activities,…
- Answered
Search with Multiple Choice problem
@Fred I use these Formula and work but the problem is I have only 3 items in the table Tipo de Documento and need to use aleatory case number. I try one by one I'm lucky to find the case number,…
- Answered
Integration with a POS
Hi there, I'm new to Ninox and very excited about the potential .. but I couldn't find a clear answer in the forum/docs to the following : Is it possible to build a custom integration between my…
How to sort on multiple columns in interface?
Is there a way via the interface to sort items on multiple columns (like an ORDER by in a SQL statement) and have the grid view update to show that combined order? Thanks
Native Ninox form embed
Hi there, I wanted to find out if there is a native Ninox form that can be embedded in for instance a WP site. Hoping for a positive response Edwin
How do I perform an update?
I have a local copy of the Ninox app on my MacBook Pro. Where would I find the version number for the copy I'm running, and how do I update to the latest version? TIA for assistance with this,…
Ignore hyphens when sorting
I have a list and am sorting by a reference number. The reference numbers have two formats, AB-C-01 and ABC02. Some have hyphens and some don't. With or without hypens, each reference is unique.…
How can I recover lost data???
Yesterday we lost 1800 records from my data base, and I am afraid that it's because we recently paid our data plain and it's not reflected in my app
Dynamic choice field to autofill text field with values from unrelated table
Hi all, I’ve searched the forum but haven’t found any specific thread so I start this new one. I always used FileMaker Pro (never been a pro user, anyway) and just moved to Ninox so bear with me and…
ExtractX help!
Hello everyone! From this RAW text, I need to extract 2 timestamps (in 2 separated formula fields) for the patterns: q101_agendaCita q126_agenda126: {"slug":"submit\/221023934014341\/",…
Converting an input to an output
I have three input fields: Watts Input BTU Input Temp Input The Output field is: BTU OUTPUT In the case of Watts Input - BTU OUTPUT is Watts Input * 3.…
@Maria Que tal María un placer saludarte. Es posible enviarte mi Base de Datos ? Necesito un feedback para ver si es posible mejorar algo mi base de datos.…
Script permission attribute
Hi Ninox users, There is a way to run a script with different permissions than the current user? thanks !
I Made A Wrong Payment and Ask For Return My Money Back
I Made A Wrong Payment and Ask For Return My Money Back, I double buy licenses, please return my money back.
- Answered
Syntax create record
Hi, i know a sintax for creating a record : sample : let p := create Person; p.Name :="myName"; ok nice, but i have one time see a other syntax for creating a record.…
How to delete/rename a table in web and on iPad?
Obviously I am new here and this seems so baisc. But the truth is, I cannot figure out how to delete a table in web view and/or on iPad.
Targeted deletion of records in tables
Table management is an important task in keeping your database clean and running by avoiding redundancies, accidental double entries, etc. While you could open every record in question and delete…
Do graphics of the result of customer survey
Hi, I Created one table for registering all the surveys that we make to all the customers that attend to different tours. The table is related to the tours and to the customer as you can see in the…
Switching to next year
Hello everyone, I hope you're all well! I don't know if this question is already asked, but here's the deal: I have a table containing 2 fields-1 text field and 1 date field.…
Dimensioni campo formula
Salve, è possibile dimensionare un campo formula con le dimensioni scelte a piacere. Ho un campo formula con un orario. Ho bisogno che se seleziona 1 ora abbia una dimensione,…
Is it possible to colour the labels, as my picture show? And change back the way the colour in fields was before?
Hi. I don't like the solution with coloring fields, I really want them to fill the whole field for me, its much better. The way it is now is useless, and should instead be possible on the labels,…
Data Entry Validation?
What is the preferred method to validate (restrict) user input? Say you have an "ounces" field that should only accept values from 1-16. How would you enforce that data entry? Thanks.
Set another field's value from calculation?
Is it possible to set another field's value (in the same table) from a calculation? I haven't been able to do it. The calculation would also set its own field's value.…