Mr. K.
My wish list.
1) Improve the manual. There's some info about the field differences, but not enough. The manual also needs a useful find function, as does the forum. 2) Add a "Not Equal To" filter.…
How do I filter out one or more field values?
I see how to filer for an individual value, but not for vieiwng the results without that value. I want to see all the records that are are clock.
Drag and Drop Improvements
I wish I could dsrag and drop into text fields that aren't selected. I think you know what I am talking about. It really slows down the work.
Improvements to Find and Find Command
Having two Finds is confusing. I have trouble remebering which one does what. My suggestion is to combine the sidebar Find and the menu command Find together in the sidebar Find,…
How do I make another record view using some of the fields I already have?
I need to know how I create a new view of a record that shows less of the fields, but shows the info in the fields I do show. Seems like a field can only appear on one record view.…
Hide a record?
How do I hide a record?
Find Date?
How to I search to find a date?
No Wrench Icon?
I have one database that has no wrench icon. Why is that?
No Wrench Icon?
I have one database that has no wrench icon. Why is that?
Need for a better backup solution.
I had a major issue yesterday that made me need to restore from a backup. I have been manually backing up once every 8 hours, so I lost some of my work.…