Mr. K.
Missing Images?
Here's what happened: I opened my database on my iPhone. The current tables were not showing, so I (and this is an obvious mistake) told it to reorganize.…
Print Table?
Is there a way to shrink the conents of a table so I can print it all on one page? I have just a bit of overflow onto page 2.
Drag and drop text into a text field
Yep, that's what I wish could be done. It only works if the Ninox text field is selected before you go grab the text to drop in.
My feeling is Ninox would be better as a file based database.
I want to preface this by saying I do like Ninox, I just think it could be much better by making this change. Most of the issues I've encountered since buying Nonox are related to how Ninox manages…
Better search in Support/Manual. Need to be able to search for phrases.
I rarely find what I need when I search the manual. Yesterday I searched for "delete multiple records." Got no help! Why? Because search the manual only searches by single words.…
Remove View Warning and Undo
Far too easy to accidentally delete a view. Ninox should warn first and I should be able to undo the action.
Need a field formula that inserts a unique and sequential number?
What is the formula to insert or create a unique and sequential number for a record? I need that number to never change by itself, in other words, a customer's account number never changes and is…
Id Numbers Change?
Why do Id numbers change when I close a database and then open it again?