Replace this forum
Please please PLEASE. I know I have said this before, and I“ve been told a replacement is coming. This forum format is horrible. I don”t need to list it“s failing since we all know what they are. A decent forum would be SO MUCH MORE HELPFUL.
10 replies
Got to Agree Mr. K. It“s got to make sense to see an overview of all topices posted at the top level then dive in to a topic and see all threads just for that just topic. Now that currently it looks like you can no longer upload images or many links appear to be broken the forums value seems somewhat less appealing and thats a shame!
Try to search for two words together like “forum stinks.” Totally worthless.
Agree totally. But it seems like the Ninox team does not go into topics that are uncomfortable and where they have to admit change...
Agree, l find the search function useless and often returns random information. I love using this program but really struggle to find more in-depth information. A script tab would be very useful for users to put up the scripts up that they have discovered with descriptions on how to use and clear examples.
Agree, l find the search function useless and often returns random information. I love using this program but really struggle to find more in-depth information. A script tab would be very useful for users to put up the scripts up that they have discovered with descriptions on how to use and clear examples.
Agree, l find the search function useless and often returns random information. I love using this program but really struggle to find more in-depth information. A script tab would be very useful for users to put up the scripts up that they have discovered with descriptions on how to use and clear examples.
Looks like l have agreed three times. Obviously a problem.
Michael - at least it is adding weight to your arguement that something needs doing about the forum.
I have re emailed Ninox about this agin 2 weeks ago. They agree that it is important to them and their user base - they say they are looking at it.
Given that users have been complaining for many many months (if not a few years!) Then why is not sothing doen about it.
I suggested they at the very least poublish a statement to list a few of the thing that (they are looking at!) with a possible fix date so tht we don“t have to keep asking the same questions all the time. ”Great idea“ i was told we will construct a message and posit it on the forum! - errr all i see is silence!
So question :- When was the last date the someone from Ninox actully posted a comment/reply or suggestion on this forum? I think the date will surprise you! -
So doing a sweep of the forum looking for when the last activity was conducted by anyone from the Ninox team
I have searched for Birger - Alexander - Timo - Maria - Maja - Fabian and Jörg. (these are the only names I know)
The last entry I can find was from Jörg and this was on January 21st 2020.
That sounds like to me that there appears to be a big gap in transmission from the Ninox team to the forum and I have to ask myself if anyone is actually reading the comments!
I“ve been asking for years.
Content aside
- 4 yrs agoMon, December 28, 2020 at 10:56 AM UTCLast active
- 10Replies
- 1023Views