Holly M
Can you hide Members and New/Import/Manage tiles on Cloud Login page
I'm considering offering a Database to multiple people and I don't want them to see all the Member Names or the ability to see all the Database choices when they login into app.ninox.com.…
Is there a way to set Created By system field
I am moving from OnPrem to the Cloud version, and I want to add permissions however I have a ton of previously created records that are now in the Cloud DB.…
What is the Database file name & path for the Mac version
I'd like to create a script to backup the Ninox database file instead of having to do the "Save As" approach. However I can't find where the file is stored and does anyone know?
- Answered
Is there "Click to Accept" Functionality
I am looking at using Ninox to deliver some forms to my customers and need a "Click to Accept" functionality. Does Ninox have anything like this already built-in or would I need to create customer…
Clicking the Cloud Icon does what on the OnPrem Version
There is a Cloud icon when I am using iCloud for my Database storage and normally I don't see a download arrow but just the Cloud with no other symbols.…
Mac Calendar integration not working
The implementation of Mac Calendar syncing isn't complicated however it's not working. I've for it enabled for 1 Month after and 6 months before to my Personal account.…
Sort a dMC field dynamic values
I've tried adding Sort() to the select station and also the Dynamic Value field and neither seems to work. Anyone know if this is possible?
- Answered
Issue with creating related record from script
I have a Combox that a user can apply "Tasks" to the Client they are working with and normally that occurs from a Triggered Update within a form in the Clients Table.…
Simple formatting challenges
I don’t think there is a solution to my formatting challenges but they are fairly simple capabilities I figure it must be me. I am constantly struggling with things like font size for field titles,…
Embedding a multiple choice dynamic field
I am trying to build a Dashboard that merges various related records for a single "easy" and consolidated view. I've been able to do this using Views however the one challenge I am having is for a…