Simple formatting challenges

I don’t think there is a solution to my formatting challenges but they are fairly simple capabilities I figure it must be me. I am constantly struggling with things like font size for field titles, checklists that don’t start from the bottom up, reference table/column resizing every time screen sizes switch (Dock to laptop) and some other items. Anyone know if these can be adjusted via Display As or if there is a burn down list Ninox is working on?

1 reply

    • Alan_Cooke
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    Not much in the way of formatting for font type, size etc.  All there is as far as I am aware is, Small, Normal, Large and Extra large for formula fields.  The Styled script for formulas.  As far as text fields, views - zilch.  Although the CSS boffins here might have some answers.