Visualizing Data, Graphs & Charts in Ninox Webinar
Back by popular demand: Visualizing Data, Graphs & Charts in Ninox. Join us this week! Thursday, October 17th at 12pm EDT/ 5pm BST/ 6pm CEST FREE REGISTRATION: https://us02web.zoom.…
Einzelne Zeilen verschwinden beim verändern der Records in der Ansicht
Hallo zusammen, Ich habe eine Tabelle namens Berichte und da ist ein True-False-Feld (Letzter Bericht). Dann habe ich zusätzlich eine neue Seite als "Dashboard" erstellt,…
Slide-in Form Button
The slide-in form button disappeared with Ninox version 3.13 Slide-in Form It can be made visible with the following script... dialog("Custom CSS", html(" <script> const customCSS = '.…
Put comments in the scripts
I discovered that it is possible to easily metre comments in scripts with a notation that was not documented: #{here I can put any text}#; var y := year('Start date'); var m := month('Start date');…
New Ninox Features & Future Releases Webinar
Let’s Explore the New Ninox Features & Future Releases with an Open Q&A Thursday, October 10th at 12pm EDT/ 5pm BST/ 6pm CEST FREE REGISTRATION: https://us02web.zoom.…
Multilingual - Function Reference in German Webinar Team
HelloThere is in the german webinar team "Webinar DE 2020" a multilingual Ninox function reference. It's called "0002_Ninox-Reference_MUL" The supported languages are german, english, french, spain,…
Weird do as server issues
Hi all - A button with a do as server use to work well, now I'm noticing that it doesn't do what it is supposed to do. If I remove the do as server it works fine, but really slow.…
Deleting Images from the app and the server! (update)
I am going to rework all my "Image File Handling" - Scripts Although these all work okay - we now have a Ninox approach with a new Function that has been introduced in the last main update called…
add onselect event for view field
In response to @Alain Fontaine & @Fred Christmas wish (https://forum.ninox.com/t/h7hbkmp?r=h7hbvzj), I have added a viewEvent function to Ninext project.…
Dark Mode
I have developed a dark mode plugin table/database that I would like to share and get feedback on. It adds a clickable monitor image in the upper right corner when the database is opened.…
ui.openTable : Future versions of Ninox will not support this operation.
This database is trying to access an internal API: ui.openTable. Future versions of Ninox will not support this operation. What can do for using this in the future versions?
Need Help With Your Ninox Application: Open Q&A, Ninox Tips, Tricks And Shortcuts on Thursday, 26 September 2024
Need Help With Your Ninox Application? Join us for Ninox Tips, Tricks, Shorcuts and Open Q&A! Thursday, 26 September at 12pm EDT/ 5pm BST/ 6pm CEST FREE REGISTRATION: https://us02web.zoom.…
DYNAMIC REPORTING WITH NINOX 3.13 at the NInox Learning Lab this week! Thursday, 19 September at 12pm EDT/ 5pm BST/ 6pm CEST FREE REGISTRATION: https://us02web.zoom.…
Somewhere to share user templates?
Hi everyone at Ninox, Is there or could there be a place on the site to share templates made by users? For example, among other things, I use Ninox to manage the parts library of an amateur orchestra…
Sidebar Home Button is hidden
One of my workspaces has a sidebar where the Home Button is hidden to users. In edit mode I can access the Home Button menu and hide Search, Calendar or the whole Sidebar, but not the Home Button.…
Let’s Look At The Top New Features in Ninox v3.13
Let’s Look At The Top New Features in Ninox v3.13 Thursday, 5 September at 12pm EDT/ 5pm BST/ 6pm CEST Join the party for free: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_suzu4kttTqeKTRv9O6mifA…
Data Modelling
I know it was written a few years ago now, but this book has become my go-to for all things data modelling. The Data Model Resource Book, Vol. 1: A Library of Universal Data Models for All…
Work around for styling colour not working for formulae with html
I have formulae which are hidden by styling to blend in on TABS regardless of colour. Even a formula on a non coloured TAB is visible if the styling does not 'take' due to html in the formula in 3.13.…
Main Menu
Good morning, I have a database with many tables focused on machine maintenance in the company where I work. I have a table called Main Menu, as shown in the image.…
FeatureRequest: Show FunctionDefinition in Editor
Hi there, Wanted to open a record via script, so I opened the Editor, wrote "openRecord(" aaaaand..... questionmarks in my head. How does this function work, which parameters does it need.…
Upload file with Ninox API REST
I’ve been trying to upload files via the Ninox API for quite some time. With the invaluable help of Ninox’s technical support, I’ve finally managed to get it working.…
Ninox data schema
How can I get a nice full data schema for my whole database, including tables, fields, relationships, scripts, related references. any ideas? something like this would be amazing https://dataedo.…
Image size
Hi guys, I would like my image to be full size, but it only gets a certain size. I'm picking the image from a "backend folder"- (select BACKENDFOLDER).FrontImage What am I missing,…
Extract color or icon from styled field/var
I needed to extract the icon and colour from a styled value. The color() and icon() functions work for the choice field, but not for styled. When I looked up how to do this,…
Exploring Gantt Charts on Thursday, August 22, 2024
The Ninox Learning Lab Presents: Exploring Gantt Charts in Ninox Thursday, 22 August at 12pm EDT/ 5pm BST/ 6pm CEST Join the party for free: https://us02web.zoom.…
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