Attachment tab that shows number of attachments
Is there a way to show the number of files attached to a record, without having to click the attachments tab? It would be nice if the attachments tab included a number indicating the number of…
Generate Unique Numeric Key for table
Lets assume you want to create your one unique numeric key for a table object and you want to ensure it is of a fixed number of digits.. Here is a quick hack..…
Forms page settings
Hello everybody, I would appreciate to have the possibility to order the forms fields not only in rows but also in columns. Just add "vertical parting" to "Éléments de mise en page". thanks, Marc
Locked out
If I go into Options, and Trigger After Open, and then paste in: openTable("Contacts", "Cards");popupRecord(record(Contacts,1)); Thereafter, when I open the database,…
Anyone know how to replicate a SumProduct() function in Ninox?
I have a Google Sheet that calculates Net to Gross income based on local income tax brackets with the help of SumProduct() functions. So far I have always used it and then went back to our salary…
Ninox procedure to open a selected web page address in a browser
Ninox procedure to open a selected web page address in a browser I have a dozen-field database of about 1,700 contacts. I would like to be able to Google-search the internet to see surface (first…
Is it possible to include the "INNER JOIN" in the NX ?
Formula vs Image Field
Like this idea? Please upvote for CR 1591 Let it be possible to place multiple fields next to a formula Field (When that formule field is multiple lines in highth) like you can do with a Image Field.…
Integrate Ninox with IFTT
Integrate Ninox with IFTT
Refer to a specific value in a cell
I'm fairly new to databases so forgive me my silly question. I want to refer to a specific value in a cell in another table and use this value in a mathematical function (e.g. mutiply or divide it).…
A developer-oriented admin UI would be very helpful!
First post! I must admit to being sceptical of Ninox and decided to try it out as i needed a relatively quick and painless replacement for a complicated Numbers spreadsheet system i use to manage my…
Learning about the Calendar
Today was our first attempt to use the Ninox Calendar as a shared office calendar. I first went through all our existing tables and set the properties of the Date fields to not show in calendar.…
New Process Manager App now available
I have just published our latest app, KAS Process Manager on www.onlinedatabase.solutions What is Process Manager This app is designed to help your organisation to standardise and manage your…
Ability to reorder tabs on forms or insert a new tab in the middle of the tabs?
With Ninox, I like the ability to organize my forms by placing fields on tabs and giving each tab a name. However, I don't see a way to reorder the tabs.…
Additional File Attachment Options
I would love to be able to link in files through a native integration of Google Drive so that our school can attach links to files that are too big to actually upload and be part of the database.
Console Improvements
Working with the console is extremely convenient, but it would be even better adding cursor position info (line/column) and allowing a floating split point between coding and result areas.…
How to search from parent to child
Literally every day I learn something new about Ninox. This morning I learned something new that might help others as well. I imported data from a contacts table and a phone numbers table.…
Native iOS scrolling left & right (currently slow)
It would be great to have a smoother scrolling experience on iOS. Currently a fast scroll to the left moves just a few columns and stops. This makes it hard to get around on a bigger table.…
Look up values in the main table
I have a look up table with 2 fields - Item Name - Item Cost I want to be able to add multiple records from look up table to my main table. What is the best nice and clean way to achieve this?…
Planning de ressources
Bonjour, Serait-il possible d'intégrer un planning de ressources ? Comme la capture d'écran ci-jointe ? Cordialement, Mathieu
Translator in the CR database
Please add an API translator in the CR database
Provide a visual indicator that record comment(s) exist?
Suggestion: Provide a visual clue that someone has entered a comment about a record. For example, the comment bubble image on the comment tab could be filled in instead of an outline. Or something.…
How can I reference the present record/table in a select statement?
I want to use this select statement in a trigger after update in my Projects table: select Invoices where SameAsProject = true and Client = Client I want the first Client to reference Client in…
Multi-dimensional array
I'm just pointing this out. The Table is an array of objects and it can be assigned to a variable. I don't know what the size limitations are, however. If you made a Table generic enough,…
Please create a configuration management utility that can be used to export / import design configuration between Ninox databases.
I am going to add this into the Change Request database. but I thought I would also add it here to get more feedback.. Please create a configuration management utility that can be used to export /…
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