Windows sound help needed!

Hey guys and girls,

Greetings to all! I need some kind of help from you. I'm using Windows 10 right now. But a few weeks ago it was Windows 7. I upgraded it recently. But I faced an issue (sound) after upgrading. I'm  a little bit coufused! How can I get my windows sound back?

Thanks for your help in advance. 

4 replies

    • Agus
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hey Patel!

    Im not sure how the issue is related to ninox but from personal experience the update from a new os may have corrupted some drivers or files in the computer, I found this thread on the microsoft website that could be able to help you.


    Hope this helps!

    • Allegra Marketing
    • Patel
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Thank you for your help! I'm also searching for recover my issue by following online articles and watching youtube videos. Let see how it goes. Anyways my sound card corrupted somehow?

    • Allegra Marketing
    • Patel
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hallo @Agus ich hoffe es geht dir gut? Ich habe mein Problem gelöst. Freut mich, dass meine Soundkarte irgendwie okey ist. Wie ich bereits sagte, fing ich an, Online-Blog-Artikel, Zeitschriften und YouTube-Videos zu lesen. Ich war bestrebt, das Problem so schnell wie möglich zu lösen. Glücklicherweise haben mir Online-Artikel wie dieser sehr geholfen. Https://windowsmaximizer.com/de/audioausfalle-windows-10-kein-ton/ Vielen Dank für Ihren Vorschlag, Kumpel. Alles Gute!

    • Agus
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hallo! froh, dass jetzt alles funktioniert! am besten zu dir :)