how I setup and install Ninox on windows server >> any steps or YouTube video ?
i do have proplem i just install the Ninox in my server > i dont know what to do after that i cant log in i dont have usernam or pass ... eny help ?
How to sort ?
Hello. how to sort in an increasing or decreasing direction?
How to sort SubTable fields in summary formula field in MainTable
Hi guys, I struggle a bit with the coding of a formula field in my MainTable (VIDEOS), intended to turn records from SubTable (VideoBeats) into a simple 'cut&paste-able' single-page text for…
How to lock a formula?
hello, I have a "price" field which is linked to a catalog, from this field, I make a quote. the problem is that when I change the price in my catalog, all my quotes are modified.…
It is easy to get the sum() of multiple items in an array, such as a field in a selection of records, or one can easily get the max. or min. value of a field etc,…
I can't create a new record in one of my databases
Please help, all the others work ok
I have three tables, Employees, Job Numbers and Time. In time you link to an employee in the employee table and a job number in the job numbers table and all works great. However I have tried to build a control panel to link to the two tables but it wont work. I can build it in employees and it will create a record in time but not link to job numbers and visa vesa if built in job numbers. Is it possible to build a control panel in Time to enter the record and link to two other tables? If so can someone help with how I would link them? Below is the code I used in the employee panel.
let x := dialog("Add New", "Add New Time Record", ["No", "Yes"]);if x = "Yes" thenlet xCurrRec := Id;let xNewDateWorked := 'DATE WORKED';let xNewJobNumber := 'JOB NUMBER';let xNewNorm := NORM;…
Using a elect with a sum in a formula slowing down.
I have a formula in a view which is slowing down the presemtationm of the view. let xTM := Termijnnummer;let xProject := Project;let xTask := Werkzaamheden;…
Id on a table overlaps and deletes old record ,
Everytime we create a new record on one of our tables this new record Id # overlaps with a previous Id# and it gets deleted. therefore evertime we create we loosing the data from a record plus the…
Adding links to records in the child table on the form using a script.
Hello! I can't figure it out: I use a script to create new records in a child table, but they don't appear in the child table displayed on the form. Please help me find a discussion of this issue!…