Speed issue
I have some speed issues with statements like this, is the a way to work around summing another file
let xTM := Termijnnummer;
let xWerk := Regel;
let xProj := Project;
let TVT := sum((select TMN where Termijnnummer < xTM and Project = xProj and Regel = xWerk).realize);
2 replies
Hi Frits
Select statements can become a bit slow with large sets of data. From the example you have given I don't think this can be totally replaced by linking the tables, but maybe a hybrid approach would work. Can you link the tables on the Project = xProj part and then use
let xTM := Termijnnummer; let xWerk := Regel; let TVT := sum((TMN [Termijnnummer < xTM and Regel = xWerk].realize);
Regards John
To give some scale to what John is saying.
I have a test database that name has approx 1.1 million records in it.
To simply sum all records in a dashboard view using select takes just over 2 minutes! - select is great but linked tables or workarounds are better !
Fortunately I don't need to load all records at once in this database!
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- 2 yrs agoLast active
- 2Replies
- 53Views