ninox database
i am trying to add purchase order to the list but once i refresh my ninox the order disappears from the database. is it that my table has limits ?
Report Writer
Is it possible to sort on a field in the report writer but not display it? I have to sort on multiple fields so I had to concaténate them and it has to appear on the report..…
Is it normal for ninox to crash almost every time i go back
I am using the Mac ninox App on my Mac Mini M1. Almost every time i click to go back to the My Databases it crashes 9 out of 10 times it will do this. Here is a screen shot of what pops up.…
Database limits
i have many database and i want to ask if every database has a limit of data it should recieve?because my first database doesn't receive records but the other doesn't and is there a way to increase…
Da numeri a lettere
Mi serviva una funzione per stampare delle ricevute in cifre ed in lettere così anche se non sono un esperto ho scritto una funzione che può essere utile a tutti.…
Improve performance: Save Calculated values in Static fields
Views of the tables can sometimes take longer to be displayed due to the functions which are calculating the values. Formula fields have to be calculated every time the view is opened.…
Can't open the database
I've created a new database and I have imported a table from another one. This table has no formulas, only text and number data. If I close the database and enter again, all works fine.…
How can I set up two fields, one showing date/time record was created, one showing date/time of last modification?
No clue as to what is required here
There are any way to jum from LT_Actividades to Disciplinas associated. When click the LT_Actividades Display all Activities link with all Disciplines, can I choose only the Display on DISCIPLINAS.…
- Answered
Complex Select statement for View
Summary of what I need to do: I have a table called Actions within which I am trying to create a view of all actions which are compatible with the current action.…
- Answered
Rich text
Hello, I have a Rich text with many line. To end of every line i have a CR. Now with a function of text or another how can find then CR position. In a other word i need to parse line by line the rich…
Switch Case statement in Ninox
Another great structure in Ninox that can help you in the automatization of your processes is a Switch Case statement. Simple syntax, fewer lines of code, and faster result in your app.…
Filter a view by Id
Hi Again, We need a little help filtering a view. The view is in an appointment table and selects/views the invoice table lines. I’m trying to filter only the lines associated with the current…
App cloud sync ?s
I moved my DB to the cloud. I can access it now on my other Mac so that greats as my wife can acces it now. But now i see i no longer have the edit features to makes changes to things or add things.…
Why would a dashboard disappear after saving a dup DB?
I am to the point that i want to start loading in data into a clean working DB set up for my use. So did a dup of a working DB and gave it a new name. I now see the Dashboard is blank nothing is in…
- Answered
State of payments
Hi, i have a table (Payments) where I store all the payments that has been done for each student. Each payment has a date, a description, a payment method, an amount and an actual payer (mother,…
Adjusting Table size?s
I am trying to adjust many of my tables. I need to pull out to all most full screen to see many of them. But when i adjust them it is like it has a invisible wall on the right side that moves in and…
Connect customer to E-Mail - Help
I am working on making a new e-mail area that can use e-mail templates. I have it all set up and kinda of working but it has problems see screen shots and info.…
number() function stops convert strings with letters
Hello, I think that function number(), was converting strings like "XX23" to number 23... I've used it lot to convert record id to number for function record(Table,number(id)) .…
Invoice item button
Hi All, I am trying to use a button formula to mimic the + add new record. When using the Ninox template invoice, creating a new record opens to a page to enter the article/item.…
Creating many to many relationship between two tables
I am trying to create a many to many relationship between two tables. The database I am working on has two tables one is movies and the other is actors.…
Database locked
I log in to my database on cloud system and it goes to an open table with a constant spinning ball. It seems locked and will not allow me to navigate away from this table with the spinning ball.…
Prices changing in time and data import
Hi, I'm almost done with the basic structure of a database for managing school payments and I have these problems: 1. averagely, students stay in school 3 to 8 years,…
Set auto completion on Ninox editor
Hello everyone, I was fed up with always having to close the code editor to fetch the name of a field or table, so I set up the Ninox code editor to have an auto-completion function :…
Prefill Field when creating new record
Is there way that makes the new record when open, prefill certain fields based on what is coded in the button. for example. I would like to book a guest into a tour.…