Yellow or Orange Bullet
Hi, I am looking for an orange bullet in text similar to the red and blue I have in code below. Thanks let xBar := "";let xRepeat := 'Strategy $ Structure Score';if xRepeat <= 24 then xRepeat :…
Upload file to Ninox via API
Hi there, I want to upload a file to Ninox via MAKE / Integromat using the 'Make an API Call' module. Unfortunately, I do not really understand the API documentation.…
Dynamic Choice as table list/View column
let's say I have a column 'Quantity' in a table/View. I then add/Show a formula column calculated as:- if Quantity = 1 then "one" else "other" end In this case,…
How to get a formulae field to show the result of a Dropdown box instead of a number
Ive got a table of staff names table of scheduling & a table to show the daily allocation of staff. table 1: The table of staff names is just so when new staff join and old staff leave,…
Include links in PDF
Is there any way of including links in a PDF exported from Ninox without the line breaks destroying the link? I have tried scripting it several ways, but with no success.
Filtering data based on manual dates entered.
Ok, another question here. I feel I am in the ball park. I am trying to sort my data based on when clients were terminated. However, those dates I want to use can always change based on what…
- Answered
Dynamic Choice from Dynamic Multi Choice
I have a Multi Choice Dynamic field with which multiple choices can be selected (obviously). I then want to have a Dynamic Choice field, based on that same table but that includes ONLY those choices…
Change location of saved PDF's
Hi there, is it possible yet to change the location of where PDFs are saved when using the printAndSaveRecord function? Being able to do this would seriously cut down on clicks! Many thanks
Date suddenly wrong
Dear all, One of our users is suddenly seeing all the dates logged in the database backdated of one day. For example we have a date of 31/12/2021, he sees 30/12/2021.…
New record code needing a tweak
closeRecord(); let thisRecord := this; let myProject := 'SELECT PROJECT'; let myLoc := 'SELECT BUILDING, ROOM & DESCRIPTION'; let newRec := (create 'Project Equipment'); newRec.…
Text value from dynamic choice field
How do i extract the text value from dynamic choice field? text(field_name) is not working
Dimensione del modulo
Ciao a tutti, ho bisogno di un aiuto per aprire un modulo con le dimensioni da me scelte. Vorrei aprire il modulo al centro della pagina. Grazie per un eventuale aiuto
New result line in the console
How do I write a new result line in the console? This is the code I run let LastDate := last((select Notify) order by Data).Data; text(LastDate); while today() > LastDate do LastDate := LastDate +1;…
Normalising existing data
I've imported a spreadsheet to a table and now want to normalise it. In SQL I would have done a 'select distinct' on a given field to generate the list of values,…
Chang app logo
I am using the computer version of the program. But now there was a need to display the program logo on the desktop. How can I replace it and use my company logo? Regards
Formula to Include Multiple Filters from Choice Fields
Ok, I have been stumbling a few days over this trying to get the right formula. What I am doing is creating a sub table to give me the values I need, so then I can draw those into a chart correctly.…
- Answered
Suggestion : Style property for most of the fields
I think it might be a good idea to add a Style property for all field types (where it makes sense). Now you can only add this in Formula fields and some layout elements.
Script editor cannot validate script code
If I insert the script code to execute "a for loop" in my script, the script editor does not validate it and does not save it. if I remove that part everything works.…
erase, remove a date from a date field
Hi There In a date field, I put a future event date. In time, of course, it becomes a past event date... Using either a button (for a specific record) or a loop (for the entire table),…
Unlink Images from database to reduce the size
I have a database of my client session records which is now over 1 Gb in size mainly due to the images. Each session has multiple images of my handwritten notes.…
A link in a text message via button
Like all my posts, I know this is simple, but I can't make it work! Part one: I have a button I use to send a confirmation text to a client after contact.…
Linking to a record using the iCloud version
Hello! Is there a way to link to a record using the iCloud syncing? I tried to use the urlOf(this) function as described here: https://forum.ninox.com/t/m1hrtam .…
Code the top search - Help
Been working on my DB and thanks to everyone who has been helping me. I think i am down to the last part that needs to be done and i can start using it.…
Is there a way to open a specific database through iOS shortcuts?
With several databases running in Ninox is there a way, using the Shortcuts app to open Ninox and the wanted database (while closing another database if that is already open)?
Scheduled Job in ninox it's Available?
Hello, i am using ninox NOT cloud version, i should be able to email with the data every evening at a certain time. How can I program and especially where can i implement this work that allows me to…