To return the internal raw text representation of a given value You can use this function to convert a value to the system's internal text representation.…
To return an array of consecutive numbers With this function, you can define a numeric value range with a from-to specification. Where from might be set automatically to 0 if there is only one…
To return a random number The function generates a random number between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive). Therefore the return value is equal to or greater than 0 and less than 1.…
To convert an angle from degrees to radians The function returns the corresponding radian of a degree value. It is mostly used for trigonometric calculations.…
To send an SQL command to a connected SQL database and returns the record data. In case you want to send a command to a connected SQL database, use this function to send your command as a string…
To return the quarter of a given date as a number This function will return the quarter of a given date as a number with the 1st quarter = 1, … 4th quarter = 4.…
To print the visible columns of a given view according to your database settings (PDF or HTML) With this function, you can print a table view in a default layout to a PDF or HTML.…
To print to a PDF from a given record in a given layout and open the file with a program set as default This function prints a record in a PDF and automatically downloads the PDF to your computer on…
To generate a PDF from a record or Carbone template, save it in Ninox's internal file system, and return a download link This function creates a PDF from a specified record in either a Ninox layout…
To calculate the power of a number The function returns the power of a base number using the exponent. If the exponent has the value 0.5, the result is the root of the base number.…
To open a given record in a pop-up form This function opens the form of the given record as a pop-up. If you want, you can also specify the tab that should be opened.…
To convert a value to a phone value With this function, you can display a formula field as a phone field with a call button. By clicking on the button, you can place a call via your phone client.…
To convert an XML string to a JSON object This function converts an XML string to a JSON object. The function is of particular interest for connections to external services via API and the processing…
To convert a JSON string to a JSON object This function converts a string to a JSON object. The string needs to be written as a valid JSON object. Otherwise, the function will return unuseful stuff.…
To convert a string to a link and open it in the standard web browser With this function, you can open a website in your default browser. You can pass any string,…
To convert a given value to a number It returns the values of different data types as a number. You can imagine this is needed quite often! The result depends on the data type.…
To return the current timestamp This function gives you the exact date and time from the exact moment when the function is executed. You are creating an exact timestamp.…
To identify the type of environment that is currently being used This function lets you know in which environment Ninox is currently executed. Your return values could be web (on Ninox cloud) mac (on…
To return the full month name of a given date value This function will display the month’s name. This might be helpful if you want to group dates within a year by month.…
To return a given month as a number out of a string With this function you extract the number of the month from a string, for example, March will be 3. This is helpful if the month is only available…
To return the month from a date value as a number Use this function to return the month from a date value. This will be a number between 1 and 12, with January = 1, February = 2, … December = 12.…
To return the lowest or earliest value of an array Use this function to find the lowest value or the earliest value in an array. The function works only with an array of numbers or time-related…
Text Input Popup
Is there a formula that when a button is clicked, I will get a popup (similar to alert("text") ) to type in my value to copy over to a field? I am trying to insert a comment on a record,…
Use Tooltip to echo contents of a field.
Probably for the JS/HTML/CSS geniuses @Jacques TUR :-). I have formula field which fetches a note field contents from another table. Because I have to keep the formula field as small as possible the…
- Answered
Tooltip Formula
Need a formula to do something like the image. Click over a Field and give me some information, this is posible. Thanks