recurring events in calendar

Hi there 

I have been told that one can make a script in Ninox for creating recurring events.

Can anybody give me an example for a script to create recurring events ? 

1 reply

    • Leo_Woer
    • 12 days ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi again - I have it working with following script, however, if others have good ideas of how to do it more elegantly, I would still like to see examples.




    let nrRec := 'Antal aftaler';
    let Xdato := Startdato;
    for i from 0 to nrRec do
        let z := (create 'Recurring events');
        z.(Appointment := appointment(datetime(date(Xdato), time(13, 0)), datetime(date(Xdato), time(16, 0))));
        Xdato := Xdato + 1