calendar option missing
I have Ninox Mac version 3.10.10 and my system is MacOS Sonoma 14.2. I have a MacBook Pro 2020. I unistalled Ninox from my iPad and iPhone, I have been working with this 3 devices and I have data…
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How to append values to an array
How do you append a value to an array? The closest I get is: var x := ["Hi", "there"];var y := ["dude"];x+y but, while it dosen't have an error in it's code, it does not return an array
How to Iteratively Add Items to a New Array
I'm new to Ninox (less than a month of use), so if this is common knowledge I apologize. However, I feel compelled to post this because of the incredibly steep learning curve of Ninox.…
How can I display in the print layout the same table-view as displayed? The table-view is displayed with a different order of column and has filtered fields....
Printing a VIEW, not possible? This is how it can be done:
Sometimes it's useful to print a view on a document. With this trick it's possible. A VIEW cannot be selected in the print editor, but a formula field can!…
Print Layout: Sorting a subtable via a 'hidden' field?
Hi, I have a print layout with a subtable which contains three columns. I need to sort the subtable output by a field which I don't want on the actual print layout,…
Modularity 3.10 how to relink the remote table (from DEV to Prod install)
How do you backup and restore a database and its remote table (3.10 modularity) for example a DEV shop linked to a DEV customer DB , in order to install them on the productive system ?…
Verify working time
@Fred Is there a way to verify that a Staff working on two o more Documents does not Spend more than 40 hours. ?
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3.10.10 calendar not synching with Apple calendar
any one else found this? 3.9,6 is still fine
Tracking outbound emails
Hi, I'm evaluating for a membership database and wondering if there is any way that sent emails can be validated within the system? I.e. bounced/undelivered/opened etc? If that isn't possible,…
Linking imported tables
I would like to preserve the linkage between two tables that I am importing from Filemaker into the Android version of Ninox. This is an N:1 relationship.…
Help with a search
I'm trying to find records where a group of numbers match another set of numbers. Here is a demo of what I'm trying to do. let x := array(["545,577,831"], ["121,545,577"]); let y := [{ Loc: 115, RR:…
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Merry Christmas to the entire Group for your help
send an email automatically when a date is reached
Good morning, I would like to be able to run a script that automatically sends an email on a date to a contact and my email as a copy. I have already written the script (which works) but in a formula…
button for Duplicate a record and its links to a sub table
Hello Community! I needs some help to create a button in my table Navire. Each record of Navire has multiple links to another table Options (1:N) This allow to create a navire with its own options.…
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New Ninox Version
New Ninox versión running 3.10.11 For now the Export work on Android.
Compound filter for a view
Hi All, I would like to do a compound filter in a view by using a date range and a dynamic multiple choice. That way I can filter for one or more customer sales within a given date range.…
Coding a popup dialog in a for loop if error
I've been reading that loops cannot be coded to exit. But I'm trying to figure out if there could be a way by adding an if statement somewhere in the code.…
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Compute months between to dates
Hi, How can I compute the number of months between two dates ? Thanks.
How to calculate years and months from a date to the current date?
Hi everyone. I have a date field when employees join the company. Now I want to have a field which shows the Years and Months since they started working with us.…
Questions about full copying of the forms
I am trying to copy a complete table, but the Duplicate table in Edit fields can only copy part of the table. The code parameters such as Show data as, Display field only, if,…
Prohibit Deletion
I Heve a task that will prohibit deleting tables and records, APP mac. Found how to hide the delete icon in the bar html(" <style>" + if not HUD then ".i-setting-print{display:none;}" end + " .…
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What does this mean?
I have no idea what this alert is trying to tell me. Far less how to fix it. Can anyone give me a clue?! Thank you
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Dynamic reports with JSON formula - loop
Dear all, Bonjour, Je travaille actuellement sur un rapport dynamique qui a besoin d'afficher un enregistrement à imprimer, ainsi que des sous enregistrements.…
Beginner: Database for research project - Transition from Excel
Hi, I'd like to use Ninox for my research project to store some information regarding fieldwork (date on which a specific sample was sampled, comments, photos, etc.…