The result of the function is the response of server?
How to massively link all invoices to their customer?
I have imported a customer table with 300 records and an invoice table with 500 records. Both tables have the customer no. How to massively link all invoices to their customer?…
Hi Sorry, but I am confused I quickly created a number of tables/database (which show as different items on home page) When I open a database I sometimes see a 'spanner',…
set the Search function
Is there a way to not make a field appear in the search function?
Hello, I write a process where A, B and C are variable with text. Then i have : 'text' := A + B + C Is it possible to insert a code to have a ligne empty between A, B and C, like 'text' :…
Hello, how can i copy a field from one table (Mes soins.soins) and paste it to a field of an other table (Pateints.fiche) witch is not in relation ? I'd like to make it with button
Help! Is there a way to change the concatenate from a comma to a hard return?
I have a trigger to copy all the items from a sub-table ('Item Desc" into a multiline field ('LongDescription'), LongDescription := concat(Items.'Item Desc.…
How to modify the link of a record?
I made a mistake by linking one record to the wrong category and wanted to correct it, but the menu item U remains always dimmed (not selectable). My categories are "Essen", "Esswaren",…
Hi, is it possible to invite a Ninox user from a different organization as my teammate?
Hello, Is there a way to add to the table columns from a linked table? For example I keep all my customers in one table and all my invoices in the other,…
If function connected to two choice menus
I have two choice lists, one is the status of order for single item and the second is status of the whole order list. Is IT posible to make that when status of all single items Are Market as…
Huge pricelist
I have imported huge pricelist and connected order Data so i can chose aricles from pricelist while ordering...but problem is every time i make order on iPad when i tap on pricelist application…
Where can I find a list of all the functions available in Ninox with an example how to use them?
How do I sum the values in a field?
How do I sum the values in a field?
printing multiple records
Is there a way to print a selection of records? I have monthly expensis. I have to print expeses report for eaxch day. Is there a way to print all the month record of expenses?
How do I link the table 'orders' to a list of artikels?
I want to send an order to my supplier. I have a table of orders and a table of order items.I will choose the items I need from a list of articles.I do not want to enter all articles manually.…
How does Ninox support traditional database type 'forms'.
I have three tables. Flashcards, Tags, and a many-to-many join table called Cards_Tags. I need to create a form so that non-computer type members can add/modify a flashcard and, at the same time,…
iCloud Sync
Is there a way to sync the views between the desktop and iPad version. I have worked extensively on the desktop views, but when I sync I only receive the original tables on my iPad.
Report Weekly / Monthly
Hi, I have a date/time field in my invoice database and need to do a report between 2 dates, is this possible? I don't see where I could enter the 2 dates. Thanks, Dave
How can I adjust the height of the table in my print form
Hello, I'm new with Ninox. I am now creating a database but run into many problems.My first question:How can I adjust the height of my table in the print form?…
Is there a way to get the response in one field to trigger a different set of options for the next field?
I'm trying to create a database that records stats for sports teams across different leagues. So ideally what I want is if someone selects league 1 for the league field they then get a choice of the…
How do I link multiple invoices to one customer?
When I try to link the 2nd invoice to the same customer, the customer's name is no longer available to select from my customer list. How do I fix this so I can link several invoices to one customer?
Hello, 'soins' is a field with rich text. when i do let A := 'soins' 'fiche' := A It works good. But when i want to add text to exiting text in 'fiche' : let A := 'soins' 'fiche' :…
Hello, 'soins' is a field with rich text. when i do let A := 'soins' 'fiche' := A It works good. But when i want to add text to exiting text in 'fiche' : let A := 'soins' 'fiche' :…
Hi, I am trying to create a patient record database. Is it possible to duplicate last treatment record in a follow-up consultation ? I have a table call Treatments.…